Chapter 4: Friend request

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Author's POV

As Ishani stepped into her home, the comforting feeling of her mother's cooking enveloped her.  With a gentle smile, her mother greeted her in the kitchen, her eyes sparkling with affection.

Maya: "How was your day beta?"

Ishani: "It was good, Mom. Thanks. I'm a little tired though."

Maya: "Well, why don't you freshen up and then come have some snacks?"

Ishani nodded eagerly before heading off to her room to unwind, she washed away the cares of the day.

After quickly freshening up, Ishani settled into her room, relaxed in the comfort of her own space, her mother appeared at the door, a tray of snacks in hand, a warm smile adorning her face.

Maya: "Here you go, dear. I brought some snacks for you. Enjoy."

Taking the tray from her mother's hands, she watched fondly as her mother retreated from the room, leaving her to savor the delicious treats in peace.

With a contented sigh, Ishani settled back into her pillows, savoring each bite of the snacks.

As Ishani nibbled on the snacks, her attention was momentarily diverted by the cheerful ringing of her phone. With a curious glance, she picked up the phone and saw Aarohi's name flashing on the screen.

Ishani: answering the call with a smile "Hello, madam"

Aarohi's voice came through the line, bubbling with enthusiasm as she launched into a torrent of words, eager to share her latest adventure.

Aarohi: excitedly "Oh, Ishani, you won't believe how amazing my first day at art class was! The instructor is incredible, and I met so many talented people. I can't wait to show you all the sketches I did!"

As Aarohi continued to chatter animatedly about her day, Ishani listened attentively, Aarohi's excitement began to subside, she turned her attention to Ishani, her curiosity piqued.

Aarohi: eagerly "So, Ishani, how was your day? Did you enjoy your first class?"

Ishani paused for a moment, contemplating her response. "It was... okay. Nothing too eventful, really. Just the usual."

Aarohi sensed the hesitance in Ishani's voice, and she leaned in closer, "Come on, Ishani. You can tell me. Did anything happen?"

Ishani hesitated, her thoughts drifting back to the subtle glances exchanged with Kabir in class. Despite  her efforts to brush it off, his presence had left an undeniable impression on her.

Ishani recounted the events of her day to Aarohi,  "Well, there was something... I mean someone Kabir.  He... he kept looking at me during class."

Aarohi's eyebrows rose  her interest piqued by Ishani's revelation, "Kabir? Ishani I told you about it."

I don't know, Aarohi. It was... weird. And then Siya mentioned something about it too."said Ishani

Aarohi's curiosity growing with each passing moment,  "What did Siya say? Did she know anything about it?"

Ishani recounted her day to Aarohi. After listening to whatever happened Aarohi couldn't help but offer her perspective on the situation with Kabir, urging Ishani not to dwell too much on the uncertainty of his intentions.

"You know, Ishani, it's easy to get caught up in speculation, especially when it comes to someone like Kabir. But let's not jump to conclusions just yet. And we don't know for sure if he was really looking at you or if it was just a coincidence."

Ishani: reflectively "You're right, Aarohi. It's probably best not to read too much into it. I mean, even if he was looking at me, it doesn't necessarily mean anything."

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