Chapter 13: Surprise ???

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As the night settled in, casting shadows across the room, Ishani lay on her bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. Aarohi sat beside her, sensing the weight of Ishani's silence.

"Ishani," Aarohi said softly, breaking the quietness that enveloped the room. "You can't keep this bottled up inside. You have to talk about it."

Ishani sighed, her thoughts tumultuous like a storm raging within her. "I don't even know where to begin, Aarohi. Everything feels so messed up right now." "I feel so lost"

Ishani recounted the argument with Kabir, the hurtful words exchanged,"I feel so lost."

Aarohi squeezed Ishani's hand gently. "We'll figure it out together, okay? You're not alone in this." She then pulled Ishani into a comforting embrace caressing her hairs. Gradually they both fell asleep knowing that they both have eachother's back.

In the morning they both woke by a knock on Ishani's door, she  opened the door to find her mother standing there, her expression a mix of anticipation and excitement. "Good morning, Mom," Ishani greeted her, still feeling the heaviness of the previous night lingering in her mind.

"Good morning, beta," her mother replied with a warm smile. "Get ready quickly, both of you. We have a busy day ahead. The decorators will be arriving soon, and we need to finalize everything for the puja."

Ishani glanced at Aarohi, who nodded in understanding. "We'll be down in a few minutes, Mom," Ishani assured her mother before closing the door.

As they got ready, Ishani managed a small smile and they both made their way downstairs to join Ishani's family for breakfast. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation as they discussed the preparations for the upcoming puja.

As they sat down to eat, Ishani's mother outlined the tasks for the day, emphasizing the importance of everything being perfect for the occasion. Ishani and Aarohi listened attentively, eager to contribute in any way they could.

After breakfast, they helped with the preparations, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the decorators.As the decorators bustled around, transforming the house with colorful decorations, Ishani couldn't shake off the nagging worry gnawing at her.

Unable to contain her anxiety any longer, Ishani excused herself and stepped aside to call Kabir once again. The phone rang for before getting disconnected. Frustration and worry welled up inside her as she left more messages for him.

"He's still not answering?" Aarohi asked, concern evident in her voice as she knows Ishani is trying to call him since yesterday night.

Ishani shook her head, feeling a lump form in her throat. "No, Aarohi. I don't know what's going on. He's never ignored me for this long before."

Aarohi kept her hand on Ishani's shoulder reassuringly. Ishani looked at her and tried to push her worries aside and focus on the task at hand.

As the evening approached and the preparations for the puja were nearing completion, Ishani and Aarohi retreated to Ishani's room to freshen up and take a moment to themselves.

Ishani let out a sigh as she collapsed onto her bed, the events of the day weighing heavily on her mind. Aarohi sat beside her, offering a small smile.

"It's been quite a day, hasn't it?" Aarohi said, her voice filled with understanding.

Ishani nodded, running a hand through her hair. "Yeah, it has. I just can't shake off this feeling of unease about Kabir. I don't understand why he's not responding."

"I know it's difficult, but try not to dwell on it too much Ishu. Maybe there's a reasonable explanation for his silence." Aarohi said. "Maybe," Ishani muttered.

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