My sister and I

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Elena stopped crying. We just talked for a while. Then the boys came in and said goodbye. Damon got me up from the sofa and hugged me and said

"I will miss your Nina cuddles. Actually I am thinking about not letting you go."

"Damon I want to stay. I will see you tomorrow. I can't say I will miss you because that would be a big fat lie." Damon does a said face and I just say "I will miss you Damon, love ya." Damon gives me a soft kiss and leaves. I sit on the sofa smiling and Elena starts laughing. I say


"You love him even more than I thought you did." I smile even harder and I blush a little.

Elena and I watched movies that night. We watched titanic and believe it or not we watched the twilight series. When we were in the middle of eclipse Elena said

"Have you ever noticed how Stefan really looks like Edward?" I laugh. She is laughing to.

"It's because you love Stefan so much that you see him as your Edward." I giggle and Elena gives me a kidding punch so I decide to pretend like it hurt. So I fake cry and Elena is like.
"Are you ok, I am so sorry" lift my head up and start laughing hysterically. Elena starts tickling me. I actually get mad but the after a few minutes I say.

"I can't say anything because I see Damon as my Edward." Elena aww's (don't know if that is an actual word but.) I hug her and I say.

"It's so nice to have a sister." we smile at each other and she say.

"I am also glad you exist." We just continue to watch the twilight series and then we watch once upon a time. we were in the episode that Neil dies and I look at Elena and I say.

"Why does Emma always get screwed over. I mean, first the sheriff then Neil. Who else will die? Henry? Captain Hook?" Elena just smiles. Eventually we get boarded and go to sleep. I wake up a about 3:00 am because my phone is buzzing. When I check the messages I see.

Damon - I miss you,
Please come home.

Nina - Damon I miss you 2 but it is 3:00 am.

Damon - look over the window.

I get up and I walk up to the window and there he is. Standing doing the eye thing I put on some socks and my converse and I go down. When I open the door there he is. He pulls me to the garden where he was standing when I saw his out side the window. We sit on a bench and Damon starts kissing me. I closed my eyes. His lips where so soft and I all I could do was breath in his misty scent. I did miss him. Our lips where attacking each other and Damon's hand where on my waist, my arms where around his neck, I casually grip on this hair.

Elena's POV
I wake up in the middle of the night it is about 3:30 am. I look at the other side of my bed and Nina is not there. I whisper

"Where the hell is Nina?"

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