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3 weeks later

Nina's POV

It's been 3 weeks since my parents death and I can't stand the pain. I don't feel like doing anything or being with anyone. I have been trying to avoid Damon. I have to push him away because it would be extremely wrong from me to be happy and move on when I basically killed my parents. Yes, I feel guilty. It's because of me that they are dead, because of my life style. I have been living with Elena. She is taking care of me. I don't feel guilty for being around Elena because she is my sister and she will never make me as happy as Damon makes me. And because every time I look at Damon it pains me and takes me back to when we found my parent dead.

Elena's POV

Nina has not done anything for the last few weeks. She doesn't talk, she doesn't eat. All she does is cry and drink water. She doesn't even talk to Damon. It's so sad to see her like that. She is now sitting on the couch. Staring at the TV. she doesn't even blink. I am pretty sure that she is not actually watching TV. I walk over to her and I sit next to her.

"Nina" she doesn't turn "Nina" she still doesn't turn "Nina, stop being like this." I touch her arms. She jumps. "Neen are you ok." she looks at me, her eyes so empty, so emotionless. "Nina, I also lost my parents. I get it. The pain is excruciating." Nina laughs and says

"You have no idea what feel." I get realy mad.

"Really, so I don't know how you feel like there is a whole in your, but that is not the only place where you have a whole, you feel like there is a whole in your soul, and worst in your like." I feel tears in my eyes.

"You still don't know how I feel." I ignore her comment and I continue.

"Ohh, I get it this is about the guilt." As soon as I say the she screams.

"You know nothing about my guilt!!!" I am now crying hard. I try to keep my voice steady, no shouting, no swirling but I fail.

"Ohhh really, do you knew how my parents where killed." Nina rolls her eyes and says.

"Your car went of a bridge."

"Yes that is it. Wickery bridge. Do you know why we were driving through that bridge. That week Jenna was in town and there was a party. My mom didn't let me go to the party so I sneaked out. I ended up being arrested and my parents had to pick me up." I was screaming by now "and that is why we were at Wickery bridge that is why our car went out the bridge and that is why they are dead. I felt guilty for a long time. But what I learnt form that was that, Every decision we make will have a consequence as big or bigger than the size of the decision we made. But we are human and we all make mistakes, and wrong decisions but, we have to move on." I was crying while taking. there were tears in Nina's eyes. And deep down I saw emotion. She runs over to me and hugs me her head down on my chest. She was crying hard I was also crying.

"Neens, I believe that your parents would want you to be happy." I swallow hard. "I can't believe I am going to say this but, you should talk to Damon. I know that it will be hard but you got to do it. And I know you love him and that he makes you happy."

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