chapter 8: surprise(s)

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It was lunchtime when Danielle, Hanni, and some of their colleagues were chowing down in the canteen.

"Thank goodness we took initiative to fix that pricing blunder asap. Now look where it got us?" redhead Yunjin chirped that caught everyone's attention.

"To Japan!" Sunoo and Hanni cheered loud enough for other workers to glance their way. Yunjin quickly hushed them while Danielle just smiled quietly and munched on her cherry tomatoes and her thin sliced carrots.

After rectifying the minor pricing mishaps from the last campaign caused by another marketing team, their company handpicked their group to fly off to Japan for the property showcase campaign of their new real estate project overseas.

"Should we shop some outfits for the trip? What do you guys think?" Hanni mused while her fingers flew over her phone screen and flipping through tons of pages on pinterest.

"Hmh, great idea! I might need some new sundresses for the summer," Yunjin added.

"It's a business trip girls, not a holiday or vacation." Danielle finally joined the conversation and casually tossing the tomato to Hanni in which she caught with her mouth. Just their usual thing to be honest.

Hanni chewed on it before speaking, "I know, but we'll be there for four days, and the event only takes up two. After that, we can have all the time to ourselves so why not make the most out of it?" she replied matter-of-factly.

Danielle pondered for a moment. While Hanni's idea was undeniably tempting, she has to make sure they have stick to the budget because the company might not be covering their personal expenses.

"I think we should focus on the reason why we're going there." a man's voice behind Danielle came causing her to jump a bit.

"Soobin, you scared me." Danielle held her chest and lightly tapped his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to do that." Soobin whispered.

"Anyway, why are you planning it all out when we're still a month away from the trip?" he chuckled a bit at that.

"You just don't understand girls duh!" Yunjin counterattacked.

"Right. I was just curious, but that's it." Soobin being polite, smiled apologetically.

"Uhuh.. so, what brings you here exactly?" Hanni smirked and crossed her arms, questioning the intruder.

"Oh.. it's actually about Danielle." Soobin pursed his lips inward flashing that dimple that the Aussie found so endearing and somehow charms her a bit.

"Me? What for? Do you need something?" Danielle asked pointing at herself seemingly confused at the sudden mention of her name.

"No, no. It's just.. I made too much carrot cake last night but I couldn't finish them all by myself and then I remembered that you love anything carrot-related, so I saved some for you." Soobin explained while offering her a paper bag likely filled with the cake.

"For me?" Danielle hesitated, but Soobin was already placing the bag in her hand.

One of the things about Danielle, she always cherished the little things, so knowing someone remembered her likes and quirks, aside from her family and close friends, meant the world to her. Not to mention she's a big sucker for carrot, so it's definitely a big deal for her.

A teasing noise echoed from a nearby table where a group of men sat.

"Looks like someone's making a move!"

"Man, I told you he'd do it. Give me a buck!"

"Soobin's playing favorites!"

"What about us, Soobinnie?"

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