chapter 12: messenger

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"Did you get what I asked you to do, Miss Marsh?" Miss Kim's deep voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I was at the president's office together with Hanni because we were suddenly called. She's given us a piece of work that made me daze out just by thinking about it. However, it seemed that Miss Kim's words was focused squarely at me.

"Hey, Dani.." Hanni whispered and nudged me with her elbow causing me to snap out of my trance.

"Y-Yes, Miss Kim..." I replied sheepishly while nodding slowly and hesitantly reaching out for the files she handed me.

I was clutching the files I had to deliver to Haerin. Yes, to Haerin, at her own company like directly to her office. She's receiving them herself because they're super confidential. I had no idea what was in these files or why we were involved, and we got called in out of nowhere.

But what really had me on edge was having Hanni with me to give this to Haerin. I mean, thinking about what happened the last time, all my nerves were shot. And now I had to face Haerin with Hanni by my side? You all know how unpredictable that woman can be. Who knows she might totally go out of character and say something crazy to Hanni about us!

Oh, God save me again.

"In that case, you may leave." the president waved me off and I complied.

I shot Hanni a look and signaled her to leave with me but she was mouthing words I couldn't quite decipher and was hella confused.

I was about to say something when Miss Kim spoke again.

"You'll be going by yourself, Miss Marsh, because I have something else for Miss Pham to do."

Wait, what? So Hanni isn't coming with me after all.

Part of me felt relieved because having her along was making me anxious, but another part of me is freaking out because I have to do this alone.

"Oh, o-okay, Miss Kim," I stammer out while throwing another glance at my bestfriend with a confused expression. I wanted to ask why but I remembered I had a task at hand.

Hanni gave me the nod that I could leave and that we'd just meet later so I took a deep breath and exited the president's office. I wonder what Miss Kim will have her do?

I stepped on the elevator and pressed the buttons. Once the elevator moved, I slumped my back at the cold metal wall.

I really don't get why I'm the one who got picked to deliver this to Haerin's office. It's not that I'm complaining about what the president asked, of course I'll follow her orders. It's just that I can't understand why it had to be me. She could have given this job to her secretary, the company's mailman, or one of her trusted staff. I mean, we're not exactly close so why me?

I sighed and gently shut my eyes. I cringed thinking about seeing Haerin again since it's been a week since we last met. I still remember how I accidentally pushed her at the door a bit too forceful, but I apologized over text and asked if she got home safely.

And another thing, our last conversation was three days ago, and her last message was just a thumbs up emoji. Like, what am I supposed to reply to that? It would be awkward to force a conversation. I'm not really expecting her to text me again since she's busy, but oh well, whatever.

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