Sid doesn't know what he's doing

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(Vanity's outfit which is just so AAHHGG I LOVE IT!!!)

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(Vanity's outfit which is just so AAHHGG I LOVE IT!!!)

The next day

Dearest Tiffany. 

Well it's been a wild ride so far. me and Sid managed to score some drugs from this lovely man who recognised Sidney from the Pistols, he's a drug dealer. it's like they know where we are. that no matter where we go there's always someone willing to offer us a shot. 

i'm not complaining though, i doubt we'd be able to hide from them it's like we've all got radar. Junkie radar that is. They can spot us a mile away and so can we, that's why it's so easy to score one. 

Oh well, i've had a brilliant day so far, Sid bought me all this underwear and it's all French! He wants me to model them for him later, cheeky x 

looking forward to hearing how boring it is in drabby England. won't be back there anytime soon. filming starts tomorrow! 

Lots of love from Vanity xoxoxo

Sid and Vanity were sat at a table outside a small diner. Under the dim glow of the diner's lights, Sid and Vanity found themselves immersed in a cloud of blur induced by the drugs they had scored earlier. 

As Vanity sipped her coffee, a mischievous glint in her eyes, Sid's gaze became distant. He fidgeted with the handle of his coffee cup, his mind wandering through the haze of intoxication. The air between them grew thick with unspoken tension until Vanity finally broke the silence.

"Sid what's up. What's going on in that head of yours?" Vanity's voice carried a mix of concern and frustration., he'd been lovely all day and it was no wonder why now all of a sudden he became distant like he wasn't even there with Vanity. However Vanity wasn't stupid and she could deny it to herself all she wanted that it was Sid, now the drugs that was making him off and weird but it was clear to see why he'd act so differently, so suddenly.

Sid looked up, his eyes slightly glazed but Vanity couldn't tell through the sunglasses he was wearing, despite it being dark outside. "Nothing, love Just enjoying the ride, you know?"

Vanity's expression tightened. "Enjoying the ride? It's like you're not even here with me." She said with a snappy tone in her voice, he'd not spoken to her the entire time they'd been at the diner, Vanity had to order for him because he could hardly for a sentence together with being so knocked out from the drugs.

He chuckled, at least they don't take away all of his emotions, he can still laugh, Vanity thought. his laughter tinged with an edge of recklessness. "Come on, love. We're in Paris, the city of love and all that bollocks. Let's not ruin it with a serious chat." Sid hated serious talks. there wasn't anything he hated more than them. 

The atmosphere became charged with tension as Vanity's frustration bubbled to the surface. "Sid, this isn't a joke. Fucking hell. What are we even doing here huh? i mean really you-"

Before Vanity could finish her sentence, a man approached their table, his eyes widening with recognition. "Sid Vicious! No way, man! It's me, Eddie! We met at that gig in Camden last year!" the man had thin wired glasses with a dirty blonde moustache and his hair neatly combed to the side.

Sid squinted at the stranger, struggling to recall the encounter. Vanity, sensing an interruption, shot a sharp glance at Eddie. "He's never seen you before in his life have you Sid?"

He didn't get a chance to respond as Eddie, undeterred, continued, "No, seriously! We got wasted together, don't you remember? I've been following the Pistols ever since. We're like mates, you and me!" 

Vanity's eyes widened, she tutted and she shot Sid a sceptical look. "Sid, do you even know this guy?"

Sid, still in a hazy state, squinted at Eddie, shaking his head. "Nah, love. I don't know him." 

Vanity couldn't contain herself. she shot up from her chair and walked around to Sid. "See, Sid? This is what I'm talking about. We're surrounded by fucking idiots like this prick who claim to know us, but we're just lost in this mess and they're getting a kick out of it!" she grabbed Sid's arm and pulled him up from his chair "Come on!" She shouted and dragged him away.

Vanity shouted over her shoulder at Eddie, "He doesn't even know what he's doing with himself! he's not gonna remember you!"

They ended up down a quiet little alleyway. Vanity shoved Sid to the wall. he was unfazed, Vanity's eyes welled up slightly. "You're just fucking pathetic aren't you! What the fuck are we even doing here! Not a word from Steve or Paul. i don't even know if they're in France with us! then there's that curly haired cunt telling us filming starts tomorrow and apparently BOTH of us have an interview with Paris magazine! Will he be there though? i don't think so because he'll be too busy having his arse kissed by Steve and Paul!" She shouted, Sid just stood there, he'd not really registered what she'd said, he just stood there looking at her. 

Sid took his sun glasses off as Vanity sat on the bit of brick wall behind her. She began to softly cry. The stress was overtaking her and all she wanted to do was go back to the hotel and black out on the bed.

"Vanity," he murmured, his voice hoarse. "What?" She replied, her voice coming out muffled as she had her head in her hands. "you look beautiful tonight." Despite the chaos surrounding them, Sid couldn't help but be captivated by the raw emotion in her eyes. She truly did look stunning, Sid fell more and more in love with her every second he spent with her. 

He adored her, she was like his other piece, the one he thought of when someone asked him what his favourite thing was, or what he liked most, if someone gave him all the years, months, weeks, days, hours, minuets, seconds that the universe could offer him, he still wouldn't have enough time to list all of the things he adored about his girl. 

Vanity sniffled, looking into Sid's eyes. "Beautiful? Sid, we're a fucking mess." she laughed a little at how pathetic she sounded. Sid didn't care though. He shook his head, a small, sincere smile playing on his lips. "You're always beautiful to me, love, even in the middle of all this madness." He leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. 

In a spontaneous moment, Sid lifted Vanity from the wall into his arms, holding her close. He gazed into her eyes, the intensity of the moment hanging between them. "We might be lost, but we're lost together, and i wouldn't have it any other way." Sid whispered, his lips brushing against hers.

He kissed her, a blend of passion and reassurance, hugging her tightly as if trying to convey that, despite the chaos, they still had each other. In that fleeting moment, amid the disarray of their lives, Sid and Vanity found solace in the embrace of shared vulnerability.

What a fucking mess they were...

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