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The dim light of the small apartment in the home of Mickey and Tiffany, cast shadows on the makeshift workspace. Vanity and Tiffany sat hunched over, a different kind of artistry before them.

Vanity, sat on the floor with her legs crossed as she tied a polka dot tie around her upper arm.

"Tiffany! Pass me that needle, would you?" Vanity's voice carried a hint of urgency as she prepared for the usual ritual of using. "What's the magic word?" Tiffany teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes, her hand hovering over the needle. "Please," Vanity responded, she smirked as Tiffany grinned.

"Fine, but only because you were so nice about it." Tiffany handed over the needle, Vanity smiled gratefully and took the orange cap off. it was fresh. As the needle made its way into Vanity's skin, the world seemed to shift, and Tiffany felt the anticipation in the air. "Do you think we'll get by in America?" Tiffany's voice, now softer, carried the weight of slight uncertainty, she felt off in a way. Of course she came over to the UK from LA but originally Tiffany's family resided in NYC. "I don't see why not. Sid's making money from albums. Mickey has a contact over there who's gonna let him deal," Vanity replied as she hissed slightly, pulling the needle away from her skin.

"What are we gonna do then?" Tiffany asked, as her nail filing paused, her thoughts drifting toward an uncertain future. "We sit there and look pretty," Vanity quipped, a fleeting smile masking the complexities beneath the surface. "Well, we better enjoy the last of this shithole while we can. We'll be leaving soon," Tiffany remarked, a mix of anticipation and nostalgia in her voice, the room filled with the silence that accompanies the shared journey into the unknown.

"Hey you remember when Mickey set the curtain on fire with a cigarette?" Tiffany chuckled to herself at the fond memory. "Yeah, he's a stupid idiot isn't he?" Vanity laughed, playfully insulting her best friend. "Yeah but we love him." Tiffany bit her lip. 

"You know i never saw myself being so close to you. But you feel like my sister now." she admitted and smiled at her "You're like my sister too, the sister i never had." She let out a breathy laugh. 

"You know i never thought i'd have friends." Tiffany admitted. "Why's that?" Vanity's brows furrowed gently. 

Tiffany took a deep breath "Well when i was fourteen i liked this guy right, like i mean i really liked him. but he was older and he could drive...he also supplied me with drugs and alcohol. Then one day he took me to a party and told me that one of his friends wanted to have sex with me. And i did it because he said that he wanted me to do it." Tiffany's eyes welled up as she continued. "And umm-it took me a while to get out of that one. he stopped me from having any friends so no one wanted to be around me." 

"Then i met Mickey. he's the first guy that hasn't used me for what i am. he loves me. but i never thought meeting you and Sid would change my life as much as it did." She dabbed under her eyes and Vanity pulled her in for a hug, rubbing her back. "oh Tiff, we love you, you know that don't you?" 

"Course i do" She smiled, her brown eyes glossed over. 

Suddenly someone burst through the front door and two loud voices came from it. "POST!" It was Mickey and Sid. "POST FOR OUR DARLINGS!" They both shouted. 

Sid slapped two letters onto the coffee table where Vanity and Tiffany were sat. "What're these?" Vanity asked. "Well you won't know unless you open em will ya?" Sid sat down next to his girlfriend as he kissed her neck. She picked up the letters along with Tiffany and they both opened them. 

As she pulled it out her eyes almost bulged out of her head. "What the fuck!" She exclaimed. "What's this?" She asked with an excited, shaky voice. 

"A cheque for two thousand lovely pounds one for us and one for Mick and Tiff! Making four lovely grand all together!" He picked her up and spun her around as he kissed her passionately. 

"Fuck! Oh my god where'd you get this?" Vanity asked "Never mind where we got it, we're gonna be dead set for New York. oh i'm gonna spoil you rotten when i get there baby!" He kissed her again and she giggled.

"What are we waiting for then. we leave tomorrow don't we? Come on let's pack!" Tiffany exclaimed and grabbed Vanity's hand as they ran upstairs to gather their things. 

Yeah...she'd get spoiled alright. 

A/N: Boring filler chapters at the moment, i apologise enjoy though and lmk your thoughts on it xxxx

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