One Last Goodbye

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A/N: I apologise for only one update today. I'm back in school and it's the start of the week and so i'm knackered, THIS CHAPTER IS ALL SID AND VANITY. 

Dedicated to Ocaso_19

Raindrops danced upon the window, a song of memories etched in each rhythmic tap. As the city woke to the gentle cadence of London rain, Sid stirred beneath the covers, the realisation of a closing chapter settling like the mist outside. Beside him, Vanity, her eyes catching the grey light, traced the patterns of rain on the glass with a quiet contemplation, she placed her pointer finger on one of the raindrops, tracing it as it ran down the window.

The room held an unspoken heaviness, a farewell lingering in the air like the scent of damp earth after a storm. Their leather jackets hanging by the door called to her, she smiled slightly to herself, remembering the first time she sat with Sid at her window, he had his back to the wall and she laid between his legs as they passed a cigarette back and forth between them, he'd place small gentle kisses on her head as she studied Sid's hand, taking in each chip on his nail, each calloused tip on his finger.  

The morning held a peculiar weight, Sid cracked his eyes open and stretched his arm above his head. His spine shivered slightly as he yawned. Turning his head he saw Vanity sat at the window of her bedroom, a cigarette between her fingers as she took gentle and soft drags from it. 

Her hair fell messily over her shoulders as it was flipped to one side, Sid's jumper covering her torso was the only thing keeping her warm due to the flat being cold. Sid just watched her, studied her movements, and as she sat there he just gave himself a sad smile. 

Vanity and Sid hadn't spoken about the promise they'd made to each other. Frankly, Sid had been dealing with suicidal thoughts since he was fourteen, a bit like Vanity had been. But the thought of actually doing it, going through with it. he couldn't...But his love for his girl made him willing to do anything. anyway it wasn't happening yet. they would wait until the time was right.

As Vanity continued to trace the path of the raindrops, Sid's gaze lingered on her, a silent acknowledgement of the unspoken bond they shared. His mind, often tangled in the chaos of all the image he kept up, all of the bad boy attitude that he spurted, he found a rare moment of calm in the simplicity of this morning.

He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood, the floorboards creaking beneath him. Vanity turned, her eyes meeting his, a silent conversation passing between them. Sid approached, the distance closing with each step until he stood beside her by the window, moving Vanity's hair from covering her neck, he kissed the skin softly. 

She jumped slightly, her hazel eyes meeting his brown ones. He moved his lips away from her neck and gave her a gentle and tender kiss on her lips., he pulled away, placing a short kiss on the tip of her nose before he looked out of the window with her.

"London's got a way of holding onto you, hasn't it?" Sid mused, his voice carrying a wistful undertone. Vanity nodded, exhaling a puff of smoke that blended with the grey light. The city outside, washed in rain, seemed to mourn the impending departure of the two rebels who had painted their stories on its streets.

Sid reached for a cigarette from his and Vanity's shared packet, lighting it with a flick of his lighter. He took a drag and exhaled, the smoke blending with Vanity's. "You know." Sid began, his eyes fixed on the damp outside of the flat, other houses stood there. Brick was now a darker red colour due to the rain having washed over it, "we've left our marks here. Every alley, every dive bar, and every echoing note in a sweaty club. It's all us, Vanity."

Vanity smiled, her eyes shimmering with memories. "Yeah, Sid. We've given London something to remember us by. we've had a good time haven't we." Sid smiled at her...that gorgeous smile

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