Their last fight

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Vanity was out with her mum outside a coffee shop which would be closing soon as it was getting late

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Vanity was out with her mum outside a coffee shop which would be closing soon as it was getting late.

Her mother took a sip of her second hot coffee before placing it down on the table. Vanity sat slouched in her chair, her hands placed loosely in her lap.

"You know this reminds me of when our David took me to a place like this, when I got clean and he wanted to talk things out with me, you'd left by then." Her mother said, looking around the outside of the shop.

"I wish you'd talk to me Van" she tutted in response to Vanity's ignorance. Vanity huffed "Alright you want to talk? Right then we'll talk. The minuet you tell me why you abandoned me and your three kids for weeks, months and years with the occasional visit to drain us of all we worked for, then we'll talk." She spat angrily.

Her mother gave her a look that showed that the sentence stung. "Actually David forgave me for that" she said with a sort of smug look on his face.

Vanity gritted her teeth, feeling betrayal creep up on her. How could he forgive her?

"Did he now?" Vanity asked bitterly "yeah. Ever since he had his little one-"
"What?" Vanity interrupted, her mother nodded "yeah. He got married to a girl called Lorraine. Very pretty she is, he had a little baby boy." She said.

Vanity felt angry now. How could she have been so oblivious. A baby.
David moved on with his life. He had moved on and had a child. The world didn't stop turning when Vanity left, she wondered if they even bothered to want her back.

She ran away to escape, but now only just realised that David had grown, Harry had grown and so had Tommy.

"Here" her mother reached into her purse "this was us last Christmas." She said pulling out a square photo of the reunited family. Pauline was sat in a big chair. David was stood next to her with his wife, who was holding a little baby, dressed in a blue baby grow, which sounded totally ridiculous in Vanity's mind.

Harry had his arms folded with a short grin on his face, on the other side of them. Wearing a red football jumper with a Manchester United logo on it.

Then Tommy, my had he grown, Vanity hardly recognised him for the 17 year old she saw before she ran away. He had no acne anymore. His hair was cut shorter and he wore a red checkered shirt with a leather jacket and blue jeans.

Tears burned in her eyes. Jealousy over took her, she hated to admit that she wanted desperately to have what they had, they all looked so happy and Vanity was not.

She slammed the photo down on the table. "Fuck you!" She shouted at her mother. "You think you can just come here and try to guilt me into coming back to you? Well you can get fucked cause I'm not coming back!" Her mother grabbed Vanitys wrist, stopping her from walking away.

"Darling, if you don't wanna talk to me then at least call. Keep in touch" her mother said and shoved a piece of paper into her hands.

Vanity didn't look twice at her mother before she left instead she went straight back to the hotel.

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