Your Punishment is Real.

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In just ten minutes Sid would be performing, and Vanity had no idea if she'd be there to see it. 

The woman in front of her stood with a cold, determined stare. she held the pistol in her hand, her finger over the trigger, ready to shoot. although she was still and tense, her hands still slightly gave away her nervousness with a small shake. clearly she'd never done anything like this before. 

The door was guarded by her but it wasn't like they were going anywhere out of this room anytime soon. Mickey's chest was still bleeding, his hand over it had become a futile attempt to restrict how much blood was spilling from him, and although the blood had now slowed down, it was still very obvious it wasn't going to stop. 

"Well isn't this nice?" The woman said still holding the gun tight in her grasp. Vanity didn't answer, instead she just knelt next to Mickey who was sat on the floor, his breathing coming in heavy and slow gasps as the stab wound was right next to his lung, Mickey didn't think she'd gone that deep though because the knife was only small but if it had have been any deeper he would've been dealing with a collapsed lung. 

Vanity finally decided to speak up, she knew this woman from somewhere and she was going to find out exactly where she'd seen that black hair, those green eyes and those red lips. 

"i know you from somewhere." Vanity said, making no attempt to change the annoyed tone in her voice. Slowly it all began to cloud back to her. "No way" She mumbled, the woman's brows lifted and a small smirk curled up onto her lips. "You know me? You ought to" her eyes then went onto Mickey's slumped figure. "Well if you know who i am, why don't you tell Michael?" 

"It's Mickey-" he huffed out but then was interrupted by Vanity telling him to be quiet. "You're Lisa right?" She spoke up. The woman nodded "Oh so you're not as stupid as you look." Lisa said, so Vanity was right. 

"And i'm assuming this has something to do with your boyfriend" Vanity said. Her brain may be a bit fried from all the drugs she'd done but Vanity could still put two and two together. This wasn't just a petty attack. She was here with a purpose, it was just a matter of time before Vanity found out what it was.

"I'm fucking confused" Mickey said. "Well let me give you a clue...Randy." She knelt down in front of Mickey pressing the pistol underneath his chin. "Vanity please, help me out here." he begged her. 

Vanity looked up at her for a quick moment. "What have we got to do with Randy?" She asked, acting clueless, that didn't seem to sway her however as Lisa just started to laugh "Now i know what kind of people you are, to pretend you don't even know what i'm talking about- well let me see if i can jog your memory." She moved the gun away from Mickey's chin, pacing back and forth, lazily swinging the gun in her hands. 

"I came home from a lovely visit to my family in America, I went home expecting to be greeted by Randy. but when i get there he's nowhere to be seen. until i looked in the bathroom" Her eyes began to cloud over with tears and she let her head fall loosely down, she laughed slightly. 

"And who do i find but Randy, dead. His eyes white, completely white and his skin-oh god his skin. grey and purple." She took a deep breath before talking again. "At first i thought it was just an overdose and i suppose it was because of the, oh i don't know seven needles in the bath next to him and the two bent spoons on the sink. but i knew you had something to do with it"  She said, almost certain of herself. 

"Oh yeah, how'd you work that one out then?" Mickey asked, looking paler and paler with each passing second. "well at first i wasn't too sure. i knew he'd had friends over because there was lipstick around the beer cans in the room. But i knew Randy better than to believe he'd cheat on me so i had a bit of a look around, and what do i find under the sofa?" Then she pulled something from her pocket. 

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