Mother Mother

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A/N: so sorry for not getting this chapter out sooner I thought it had published but clearly not.

This goes out to Ocaso_19

"Hey...i dont know what to do...I dont know why I called you I just- I needed someone to talk to but you didn't answer. I didn't expect you to. I'm hurting. Badly. I wake up everyday to the same thing. The drugs are hurting me...I dont want to be like this forever but its all I know. I can't stop, I need someone to help me but I don't know who. I'm sorry if I ever hurt you, I want you to know that I do love you Johnny. Really I do. Maybe If things had been different then...well you know. I shouldn't have called you and I'm sorry for putting this on you, I don't expect you to call back and its okay if you don't but just know I'll be thinking about you"

That was the third time he'd listened to that voicemail. The third time he'd heard the desperation in her voice. And the third time he'd not returned her call.

What would he even say to her? There was nothing to say that hadn't already been said. And when Vanity had made that call she didn't expect him to answer her back. She didn't expect him to return her call because why would he?

So alone she sat in her room, Sid was out with Mickey and Tiffany though he had begged Vanity to join them she refused. Instead she sat in the room and wallowed in her own self pity, she had told Sid about her mother coming back and Sid was furious in fact he even went downstairs and down there was just Malcolm. No one who resembled Vanity.

So infuriated, Sid shouted and screamed for Malcolm to fuck off and even shoved him back, despite Malcolm's futile attempts to get Sid to talk to him. But Sid forced Malcolm out of the hotel and went straight back up to Vanity but when mickey and Tiffany asked them if they wanted to go out Sid really badly wanted to go but without Vanity it seemed pointless however she insisted that he go and enjoy himself as she didn't feel like leaving the hotel room. 

And it was obvious that Vanity's moment of peace wouldn't last as a knock on her door would startle her back into reality. An unpleasant surprise stood behind it, and as soon as she saw her she slammed the door however before it could slam shut she put her hand out to stop it.

"Vanity please!" She shouted, her voice shaky and desperate. "No! Go away" Vanity tried to keep the door shut however her mother was stronger, no surprise there. With Vanity's addiction taking over her, she wasn't as physically strong as she used to be.

"Please! Now just hear me out, and if you don't wanna talk to me or hear what I have to say then I'll leave! But at least give me the chance to explain some things to you" She begged, Vanity stopped fighting to keep the door shut. Instead she just allowed it to open, she and Sid had agreed to commit together soon so she may as well listen to what her mother had to say before she left.

Her mother sighed and gave her a sad smile "thank you" she said before walking into the room.

Vanity's eyes filled up with sadness as she saw the woman she always thought would hate her standing beside her bed. Vanity led her mum outside on the balcony where there were two chairs. Her mum placed her black handbag on her lap as she looked at her daughter, like a broken doll she was, her face filled with deep sorrow as she looked out onto the busy streets of New York. "Make this quick" Vanity said before sitting down across from her mother. 

"I will i promise." She replied "What are you doing here?" Vanity asked. her mother sighed "What'd you think i'm doing here darling? I'm here for you." She tutted in a caring way, almost too real for Vanity to believe. When Vanity didn't reply Pauline continued "i've met someone" She smiled. 

"How lovely" Vanity sneered sarcastically. "Yeah...He's a lovely man, we got married last year. you'd love him Vanity honestly he's just wonderful, he's got his own shares in a business" Pauline explained "He sounds a delight" Once again the sarcasm was evident in Vanity's voice. Obviously she didn't care to hear about her mother's new perfect life. 

Eventually Pauline just couldn't hold it in any longer. She sighed, folding her arms over the bag and leaning forwards. "Vanity, it's time to come home." She said, Vanity's face didn't move, she stared at her mother with an almost hostile expression "What?" She asked. 
"You need to come home darling. to be with your be with me. we need you home Vanity" 

"No." Vanity simply answered. "No?" Her mother questioned "Why no?" She asked. 

"My life is here now. you can't just take me away from it." Vanity stated with an angry violence in her voice. "Life? What kind of life is this? rotting away with your junkie boyfriend in a dingy hotel with nothing but a clean needle for company. this isn't a life baby. not one that you deserve anyway. You're not much different from when you were a little girl, you were hard to love. always brooding, sulking, kicking off. Ey though you were a bonnie little thing, you turned heads you did. we used to get stopped in the street, where'd you get her? they'd ask me, i used to tell em you were a present from God you were. You're even more beautiful now...My little girl you are." Her mother said with a hurt behind her words at remembering her daughters past self, now looking at her she had gotten more beautiful, blossomed into a fine young woman but now it was the side effects to taking drugs, the sunken face, the droopy eyes, the absent minded expression. they were all things that made Vanity a worse version of herself. 

And her mother at that moment decided that they needed to go somewhere else. So she stood up and slung her handbag over her shoulder "Come on, lets go for a coffee" She said and went to pick out some clothes for Vanity to wear. 

This will be interesting wont it.

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