Another A/N

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Heyyy so i won't be long with this but I can't decide which book I want to write next.
It's between Johnny and Steve.
I have an idea for both but I would like to know which one you prefer.


Steve Jones

Punk singer, Cherri Valentine, and her band The Angels with Dirty faces Rival against the Sex Pistols, both bands just starting out.

Set at the start of 1975

Cherri is a popular face around Vivienne's shop, she's close friends with Glen Matlock who's a part of Steve Jones' band.

Cherri meets Steve after he runs out of his first performance, throwing up from nerves. He doesn't really want to talk to her due to his embarrassment but is sort of nice to her as she is to him.

After the Sex Pistols audition Johnny Rotten and bring him into the band they finally perform at an art college for their first gig. Steve being the guitarist who can't play, and Johnny the singer who can't sing.

Cherri and Steve somehow become closer through their rival of music as both The Angels with Dirty faces and The Sex Pistols managers are both striving to see who can be more obnoxious both bands clash heads.

And just and Cherri and Steve develop a certain bond, one statement from Steve in an interview about her and her band changes Cherri's views on Steve, possibly forever.

Cherri meets Jimmy Pursey in a pub with his band Sham 69 and he takes a liking to her. They become a couple and take the press by storm.

Will Steve be able to fix his relationship with cherri and finally come to terms with the fact that he has feelings for her? Or will Cherri disregard him and cut him out of her life forever?

Plot two

Johnny Rotten.

Sid Vicious (known in 1975 as John Simon Ritchie) is reunited with his girl best friend Lana Marie

She had been a sort of groupie for a lot of bands and had come back to London after traveling/following the New York Dolls on tour around England.

She'd heard of Johnny Rotten however had never really spoken to him. When she comes back to London she finally meets him and lets just say they but heads right from the start.

Johnny thinks Sid's brought her in to be a sort of budget first groupie of the Sex Pistols. Lana thinks that Johnny is a self absorbed twat who only thinks about himself.

Steve, Glen and Paul however welcome her with open arms and it's safe to say they really liked her and she liked them.
Johnny is forced to tolerate her however Lana thinks about becoming a groupie for the Damned and Johnny is totally against it.

Johnny realises that Lana is struggling with the drugs she gets offered with being a groupie and is desperately trying to get her out of the drug game when her mental health severely declines.

They stick by each other and Johnny does whatever he can to help Lana however when she is reunited with an old friend who takes a very strong liking to Sid, she falls even deeper into the drug game.

Will Johnny be able to pull Lana out from the dark pit she crawls into, finally admit that he loves her? Or will Lana end up festering in this pit of darkness with Sid and Nancy??

The choice is up to you guys which story you'd rather read (ngl I wanna write both lol) but yeah whichever ones you would like

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