Move on

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It had been a few weeks since Sid had filmed his 'My Way' Music video and the 'Great rock 'n' roll swindle' had been completed in filming. It was now safe to say that Sid and Vanity had enough of being a part of the Pistols. well Vanity had enough of Sid being a part of the band, Sid didn't really know what he felt, he was still good friends with Steve and Paul but Vanity couldn't stand it being the same thing everyday she woke up. it was the same routine, like a record that just won't stop skipping. Eventually that same record is going to make you want to pull your hair out and cry, and that's what's happened to Vanity.

So as they were back in London she arranged to meet with Malcolm, Steve and Paul. Sid wasn't there however. She wanted to see them alone. 

Vanity's heels clicked against the pavement as she made her way to the inside of Vivienne's shop. it had been a long, long time since she'd been in there. However what better place to have a meeting ending it all with Steve, Paul, and Malcolm than the place it all started. The air was thick with anticipation and the weight of her decision.

Steve leaned against the graffiti-covered wall, cigarette in hand, while Paul tapped his foot impatiently. Malcolm sat on a sofa next to the counter, raising an eyebrow as Vanity approached and the bell on the door rang.

"Alright, Vanity, what's so urgent that it couldn't wait?" Malcolm questioned, a hint of irritation in his voice, he stood up so he was in front of her. Vanity took a deep breath, her eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. "Well i won't draw it out. Sid's done. He won't be part of the band anymore."

Steve chuckled, almost like he couldn't really take in what he'd just heard, exchanging a puzzled glance with Paul. "What's gotten into you, Vanity? Did Sid finally drive you mad?"

She gave him a quick, false smile "No, it's not that," Vanity replied, crossing her arms. "We need a change. Something different. i do anyway."

Malcolm raised an eyebrow. "Different how? You know Sid is the face of the Sex Pistols. Without him, the whole thing falls apart." It was true. What was the Sex Pistols without Sid or Johnny? It's funny really. Steve created the band and yet Sid and Johnny became the two most important people in it, the people who everyone wanted to see, who everyone cared about, who everyone looked for in the streets.

Vanity nodded. "Exactly. It's time for something new." She took a deep breath before announcing the news. "And...we've decided to move to New York." Paul squinted at her. "New York City? You're serious?" Vanity's gaze didn't waver. "Dead serious. We're leaving the whole scene in London behind." Malcolm put a hand on his forehead, like he'd got a headache. "i can't believe i'm hearing this." 

Steve took a drag of his cigarette, exchanging a glance with Paul. "And what does Sid think about all this?" he shoved his free hand in his pocket.

"He'll follow. Trust me, not only are me and Sid going, but so is Mickey and Tiffany. we're all going." Vanity asserted, a mix of determination and uncertainty in her eyes. In reality she wanted to get away from it all. Experience something new. And where better than New York City?

Malcolm sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You're throwing everything away, Vanity. Who are you going to employ as Sid's manager because out there he'll need one?"

Vanity smirked, her tone defiant. "Me. I mean can you think of anyone better. All you do is pull him down to their level. i know Sid inside and out. i know him and what more can he do with them" her eyes darted from Steve to Paul.

"So this is it then? What Vanity says goes?" Steve asked rhetorically. 

"What Vanity says goes." She repeated before nodding her head to the three of them. "Goodbye boys. It's been great." She then turned around and walked out of the shop. not feeling any need to make herself more clear. 

As Vanity walked away, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia for the chaos and rebellion that had defined her time with the band. Yet, beneath it all, there was a burning desire for something new, and that's what she was going to get.

In the dimming light of the London evening, Vanity took a deep breath, adjusting her leather jacket. She felt a mixture of excitement and uncertainty about the bold decision she had just dropped on Malcolm, Steve, and Paul. New York City awaited them, promising a fresh start.

Meanwhile, back in the cluttered confines of Vivienne's shop, Steve, Paul, and Malcolm exchanged glances filled with a mix of disbelief and resignation. The departure of Sid, Vanity, Tiffany, and Mickey marked the end of an era for the Sex Pistols., although Mickey and Tiffany were never really in with the Pistols they were a package deal with Sid and Vanity, where there was Sid there was Vanity. Where there was Mickey, there was Tiffany. 

Steve crushed his cigarette into the ashtray, muttering to himself. "New York City? What the hell are they thinking?"

Paul shook his head, looking at Malcolm. "Malcolm, what are we going to do now? What can we do with a guitarist and a drummer?" 

Malcolm leaned against the counter, running his fingers through his ginger hair. "It's not my decision, boys. Vanity's got a point, though. Maybe it's time for a change." The more he thought bout it the more sense it made. The Sex Pistols had been limited to playing in most venues across the U.K by the government. What was the point in playing when only a few venues around the place would let you play before the police burst through the door?

Steve scoffed. "A change? This is more than a change, Malcolm. This is a bloody upheaval."

As the trio contemplated the uncertain future, the echo of Vanity's final words lingered in the air. "Goodbye, boys. It's been great." She could do that so carefree. she didn't care at all and that is something that the boys used to be able to do. but now it was like they couldn't bring themselves to rebel anymore or at least as much as they used to. 

Paul, caught in the middle of the escalating tension, tried to diffuse the situation. "Come on right, let's not lose our heads here. Maybe Vanity's right, and it's time for something different."

Steve, however, wasn't ready to accept a new direction. "Different? This isn't different; this is betrayal. We're supposed to be a band, not a bloody train station where people come and go!" 

Malcolm, his patience wearing thin, shot back, "If you can't see the potential in change, then maybe you're the one holding us back. And to think i saw something in you Steve."

The clash of egos intensified, each word exchanged fuelled by a combination of loyalty and frustration. The atmosphere became charged with hostility until Steve, unable to contain his anger any longer, shoved his chair back and stormed towards the door.

"I'm not sitting around while this band falls apart," Steve declared, his voice a mix of anger and disappointment. "You can play Malcolm's game if you want, but i'm going down the pub!"

The door slammed shut behind Steve, leaving behind a stunned silence in the wake of his departure. The clash of ideals echoed in the graffiti-covered walls, signifying the end of an era for the Sex Pistols. Malcolm, Paul, and the remaining fragments of the band were left to ponder the uncertain future that lay ahead.

A/N: Are the fast updates too much for you guys?? Just curious??

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