Chapter 7

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As the slap echoed in the room and Ro fall on the floor and his lower lip bleed
Can you all tell me who slapped Poor Ro

Yes , it is none than Virat Kohli The Mafia King as ro was recovering from the slap is face turned to another side as the same person slapped him again then Vi forcefully made Ro stand in front of him

Seeing Vi there Ro got scared well he was already but after being slapped by him Ro was scared no he was terrified  and start shivering badly

Vi ordered his soon to be in laws to go out of the room which they did immediately 

Vi locked the room and then the sound of slaps echoed continuosly  in the room and Ro's lower lip start bleeding very badly

Ro said while crying - V.Vvii rraat , I am sorry please forgive me

Vi said while slapping again - Don't  you dare to say my name ,here I was thinking of taking you out today but no  here I got to know you don't  want to marry me right
Fine .
Ro looked towards him suprisingly as he thought he will deny the marriage now
Vi slapped him again making him fall back and said - No whatever you are thinking take that out of your mind because I will marry you
Hearing this Ro start crying again badly .

Vi stopped after sometime and looked towards him properly and noticed the belt marks as  Ro was wearing t shard and his arms can be seen with belt marks .
Vi asked Ro- Rohit , what are these marks pointing towards Rohit's arm

Ro said stuttering -  Papa beat me with belt

Vi asked - why , what did you do that he has to beat you like

Hearing this Ro became silent

Seeing Ro silent Vi's blood boil he pulled Ro towards himself by him waist . Ro can clearly feel his breath on his lips .

Vi asked again - Rohit , one thing you should know about me is that I hate to repeat myself , so you better tell me by yourself

But again Vi was welcomed by silence
Vi was about to slap Ro again but Ro already sensed that and went on his knees with hands around Vi's legs and said while crying and hiccups  Please I will tell you but promise me you  won't  punish  me

Vi replied  You are not in any condition to make any demands so you better tell me

This time Ro was trying his best to make his sentences but end up crying badly and hiccupping

Seeing this Vi decide to pity the poor boy looking at his conditions
Marks of slap can easily be seen on his cheeks , his cheeks got pink , nose pink and lips trembled making Vi hard 

As you k ow Ro was sitting on his knees and holding Vi's leg Vi move back making Ro fall on the ground again but this time Ro's head fall on Vi's shoes instead of touching ground

Vi came back to the living room where Ro' s parents were sitting and asked them who beated Rohit and why

Ro's father immediately said I beat him as he was continuosly  asking me to deny the marriage so he left me no choice

Vi only gave a nod and said in a threatening voice Next don't  your dare to lay your hand on him if something  like that he does just call me or else it won't  end up well for you

Ro's father got scared and said sure sir I will beat Ro from now on

Vi again went to Ro's room where he could see him sitting there where he left him and ordered him to go wash his face and come in 5 minutes

Ro quickly  get up hearing his voice and went towards washroom to wash his face and came there in 2 minutes

Vi made Ro sit on his bed and asked for first aid box which Ro gave him from his side table

Vi cleaned his lower lip making Ro hiss and tears fall out from his eyes .
Vi wiped his tears and said give me your hands which Ro gave him

Vi handcuffed  them and one leg and attach the chain to the bed post .
It is long enough so that Ro can use washroom but couldn't go towards his room's door only .

Vi kissed his forehead and and said baby I want to take out outside today but only you make me do this to you .
Now don't  make trouble come to you ok eat your food on time and be healthy .
Vi also said you committed  a mistake darling now After marriage  I will show you hell for denying me

Ro said - Vvvii
Virat cut him off and said It's  master for you . you already lost that privilege before marriage only now

Ro said Master I am sorry please forgive me don't  punish me after our marriage now please you already punished me please .

Vi said fine I won't  punish you now sleep and be healthy ok if I hear you skipping meals it won't  end up great for you
Ro said Ok

After that Vi went his home

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And let me tell you I won't  be writing haldi , mehndi and all May be I will just give you look of their outfits but not more than that
Now we will meet directly in their marriage

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