Chapter 8

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After Vi left home, Ro start crying badly making sure no one heard him as he don't  know if Virat really left or was standing just outside the room

Ro's mom came after sometime  making sure everybody left and hugged him tightly as because of crying Ro was not able to breathe properly .

Mrs sharma made ro sit and made him drank water after sometime  his breathing got normal

Ro put his head on his mother's lap and said - Ma, I am very scared now , how will I live with him

Ro's mom replied  - Betu , I know you are  scared but we can't  do anything  now . You have to get married to him

Ro said - But Ma
Ro's mom cut him off and said no Ro , don't  say anything , you already got punished not once but twice .

Ro pouted and shift his head from the lap to the pillow and turned his face to the opposite  side from where his mom was sitting.

Mrs sharma just smiled looking at his childish act and left to give him some space

After sometime , she came into the room with his favorite food and said Ro look  what I brought for you .

Ro heard her but choose to ignore hef as he was angry for not taking stand for him .

His mom shook her head and said - Ohh ! My Ro is not talking  to me , I made him his favorite food now who will eat this , she said thinking deeply

Hearing that Ro get up quickly  and said No, I will eat this food and tried to take the plate from her hand

Mrs sharma smiled and said Ro , I will make you eat with my own hands

Ro happily opened his mouth as very rarely like once in a blue moon Mrs sharma make Ro eat with his own hands as his father didn't  like even his presence and most of the time Ro has to eat on floor in front of everyone  so she only showed very less affection towards him only when no one is present which rare

After making him eat verything , she was about to go but Ro held his hand and said Ma , can you please sleep with me tonight .

She smiled and said - Afcourse , just let me put this plate in the sink .
Ro nodded his head and left her arm

She came back and layed down as Ro immediately kept his head above her arm while she caressed his hair lovingly and also thinking how innocent Ro is .

When she heard soft snores from her youngest son and she kissed his forehead  , his eyes and slept hugging him

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