Chapter 13

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Author's Pov

As they reached hime Virat uncuffed him and ordered him to go there and wait for him
Ro said - Okay master not wanting to make him angry

Ro went to their room and sat on their bed waiting for his master to come.


After sometime Virat came and ordered him to strip himself
completely .

Ro said - Master please don't  make me do this

Vi said gritting his teeth- Rohit , don't  make me angry and it's  not even a day and you already disobeyed me two times

Hearing that Rohit start undressing himself  .
Vi was watching his every move silently

After completely stripping himself off
Ro looked down down and stand in his naked glory

For Vi , it was a perfect view for his eyes to watch

He felt proud of himself as nobody has seen rohit like this except him

Vi sat on the chair and ordered Ro to went on his knees and crawl towards him

Tears came in Ro's yes as his every part was in display infront of his husband

He was about to say something  but remembering  his mother's advice

He did what was asked by his husband .

He start to crawl towards him

When he finally reached there Vi ordered him to put his shoes on Ro's hands making him cry in pain

Vi said - By these hands you were able to go out of the house ha. But don't  worry I won't  punish your hands now
I will punish them in the morning
Now come and sit on my lap

Ro sat on his lap which .aked vi very hard even Ro could feel something poking him

Only Vi knows how much he controlled himself not to pounce on the poor boy .

Vi then flipped Rohit in such way that Ro's ass was in full display in front of Vi's eyes 

Vi spanked Rohit hard making him shout and said - Ahhh master

Vi said - I will give you 50 spanks and you have to count each of that . if you forgetI will start again

Rohit nodded making Vi spanked him again
Ro said - yes master

1 master

Ro cried hard and well at 40 Ro was in so much pain that lost the count

Vi spanked him again and Ro was silent at that
Only the sounds of crying could be heard
Vi asked him - How many Rohit
Ro couldn't answer him making Vi spank  him again .
Vi said - ohh no baby looks like we have to start again

Ro while crying badly said bwtween his hiccups - No master please , please don't  I am so sorry , I won't  sneak out again I promise.

Vi said - No babyboy , We will start again

Ro was about get up but Vi held him tightly  and spanked him hard then before

Ro cried again

Vi said - Here I was going easy on you but no you have to be a brat here
Now count Vi shouted

Vi spanked him with full force this time and Ro remembered every spanked and count that

After  a lot of spanking , Vi can see Ro's ass deep red and when he lift Ro up his cheeks were red eyes puffed his lips wobbled when Ro's ass came in contact with Vi's pant he hissed

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