Chapter 16

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After freshening up , Vi went towards where Ro was sitting and Ro seeing  Vi coming towads him start shivering
And said -  Master please , I am sorry please no more punishment Please , Please and start crying harder

Vi sat beside him and pulled Ro towards his lap and said - Ro bear I wont punish you now baby no more crying ok
Soon after Ro's crying died and he was hugging Vi 

Soon Ro was going to sleep but Virat. sensed that and said Ro baba don't  sleep , first have dinner then you can sleep

Ro- Master please I don't  want to eat dinner now

Vi said sternly - Rohit , eat your food first

Ro got scared and said Okay master

Vi ordered dinner for bith of them and made Rohit and himself eat .

After sometime Vi came in room again and that time Ro was sitting probably chatting with his mother

Ro's mom want to see him so she asked him to do face time so he did that
As ro  touched the green button and  his mother came into the view
As soon she came into the view ,Virat snatched his phone and instead of Rohit she saw Virat

Ro Mom - arey damad ji how are you

Vi - Nameste Mrs Sharma and I am fine

Ro- Mom -- Beta can you please give him phone I really want to talk to him

Vi - No , In the marriage only I gave money to you And Mr sharma and ordered you to never contact him again then why did you do (shouting the last part )

Hearing that Ro became shocked and as he was sitting on the bed he stand up and with teary eyes he asked his mom

Mom is he saying truth did you guys sold me to him

Ro's mom didn't  say anything but he kept asking

Hearing no reeply from his mother
He said , Mom please say something

Again silence so Virat said -  Rohit I am saying truth only I gave them 15 crores and they took that

But our Ro was not in the mood to hear anything and said - No you are lying , they won't  do that

Vi said They did that only

Ro this he shouted - Mr Virat Kohli they won't  do that and now I am not gonna live here I will fucking leave you and........

He couldn't complete  that as Virat slapped him tightly making Ro fall on the bed and ....

Sorry guys
I couldnt update but actually  I gave you all target that you guys didnt complete

Also from now on I will update on friday and saturday only

Also tell me if you guys want smut in the next chapter

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