chapter 22

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Next morning Rohit woke up first surprisingly with a stomach pain and back pain he realized that he got his periods and then looked at Virat who was sleeping hugging him 

Rohit- vi can you please leave me , i want to go washroom

as soon as Rohit got up he saw stain on a bedsheet and instantly feel like crying 

first he went to washroom and took bath and wear pad and came out

remembering what his mother used to do when he got his periods or stained bedsheet decided to hide somewhere Vi woke up by the sound of door opening 

Virat- where are you going Rohit , did I gave you permission to go out

Rohit felt scared and said vvvo vvi aacctully 

vi followed his gaze and looked towards the stained bedsheet and realized ro got his periods

vi said very softly - roro bear, i didn't have pads baba should call someone to bring it for you

Rohit- nno vi I already have that its just ma told me not to tell this to anyone

vi just hmm and said let me call the maids so that she can change the bedsheet 

ro came inside the room and asked surprisingly- vi  do you know what period is 

Virat- OfCourse I know baby 

Rohit-  okay but how I mean this should not know to those who don't get it

Virat- who told you this bear everyone knows it 

Rohit- but ma said it's not good if you will know it 

Virat said sternly- ro bear don't ever talk about that woman in this house again got it  nd you will tell me everything got it 

after that vi called the maid to change the bedsheet and after doing that they left

vi- now lay down and don't you dare to get up until you need to change the pad got it 

ro just nodded and vi went to his house office to complete the work while our roro bear layed down on the bed 

ro- ohh god how can i lay down whole time but I can't disobey him too

Ro then layed on the bed start thinking what to do the whole time . first he searched for his phone then realized vi broke his phone that day and decided to sleep knowing if vi find out about him sneaking or doing something which he didn't appreciate he will be dead 

ro find difficulty in sleeping but when he finally feel like sleeping a knock made him woke up . irritatingly he told the person to come inside 

a maid came with the milk and dry fruits and said- sir please have this 

ro scrunched his nose seeing the milk but didn't say anything  

ro finished the dry fruits first but didn't drink his milk put the blanket in him and slept

AT afternoon vi made ro woke up and said- Rohit why you didn't had your milk

Rohit nervously said wwoh  i didn't see that 

vi- ohh but baby milk was right beside you 

Rohit looked down and said- ssorry you know na I didn't like milk 

Virat- yes , i know but you should not lie to me now it lead you to punishment

Ro - Mmaster, sorry I won't lie to you promise please don't punish me and start crying 

vi said sternly- you will drink 3 glass of mil right now 

hearing the punishment ro sigh in relief but then he looked towards vi and said- can i get chocolate syrup in milk please and looked at him with doe eyes

vi- okay, but you have to drink that 

vi order the lunch and 2 glass of milk also

ro felt happy and hugged vi

vi- aren't you hugging me too much these days said teasingly

ro- I am just feeling like hugging you if you have  problem I w

vi said cutting Rohit - no bear , I love when you hug me and you can hug me whenever you want and now don't waste time and drink milk

but our ro bear could only managed to drink 2 glass of milk and said vi can I please drink it after sometime  

Virat- no drink it right now

 ro- please not now i am full 

Virat- Rohit dare you to throw a tantrum and drink it otherwise I will spank you and you know my spanking right

hearing the name of spanking ro drank the 3 glass of milk 

vi smiled and said good boy now don't sleep and come with me to office



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