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Virat was fuming in anger so  after practice he directly went to the home
Now the questions is who's home ?

On the other hand Ro went to his house and met his mother

They chit chatted for sometime and Ro completely lost the timing

Ro's Mom after sometime asked him - Ro , beta tell me honestly did he touched you yesterday  .

Ro became confused and said Mom why will he touch me .
She sigh and said Rohit , now listen to me carefully okay and no interruption  in between

He said okay Ma

She said Rohit now Virat is your husband he has every right on you and you cant  stop him from doing whatever  he do to you .you have no right now so if he ever touch you in places you never want anyone to touch you ,   just let him do because  He had every right on your soul your body . You have no right on anything now not even yourself . EVERYTHING  IS HIS NOW okay

Okay ma I will not stop him said Rohit out of naivety and innocence .

Rohit  knows how this world where dominant  can fo anything but submissive  have no right to do anything without dominant's permission  .
Now coming without Vi's permission really  scared Ro to death thinking what if he find out he is not in the house
Ro knows one thing if  he find out he will punish him badly .

They chit chatted other things than his marriage and Ro being the forgetful person completely  forgot about the timing , His Husband .

Ro's mom said acha now go after having dinner okay it's  already the time of dinner

Hearing Her Ro's eyed widened and he asked the timing she said 8:45 .

Ro thought Ohh god if Master came there without me I dead .

Ro immediately  said no Ma I have to go now

She said but Ro why you came him damad ji's permission  right (damad ji means son in law )

Ro became silent and seeing that she said Rohit  what did you do why you came without informing him you  know  how he is right. Now go bachha go fast .

They both were coming towards the door only and when they heard someone  rung their bell

Ro went to open the door and was shocked to see the person  there .

He eyes widened and start shivering
Seeing him like that Ro's mom asked him - Rohit who is at the door

Ro didn't  said anything when she came at the door she was shocked to see the person

Yes you all guessed  right The person is Virat Kohli Ro's husband , His master .

Virat greet her and glare daggers at Ro who was looking down.
Ro's Mom said Virat beta please come inside .

Vi denied and said I have to go now Come Rohit .

Seeing him like that his mother tried to manofy Vi and before she can say anything Vi said Mrs. Sharma it's  between Me and Rohit don't  come between us ever I am warning  you .

Rohit hugged his mom tightly and start crying knowing what will happen once he go there but he has to .

Ro's mom wipe his tears and said Ro just make him happy okay he will love you then only Remember  my words what I said previously and never say no to him hmm. Now go with him Bye

Ro said Bye ma

Vi after that dragged Ro to the car and handcuffed him . He told the driver to start the car and closed the partion which he did .

After that Vi slapped him multiple times making Ro cry harder .

Vi said - Today I was going lenient on you , told you all the rules and after sometime you forgot that
Wait till we reach home I will show you what happened  when you disobey me .
Ro was crying hard so Vi made him sit on his lap and said save your tears for later Rohit which make only Rohit cry harder

Vote and Comment guys
Smut is in the next chapter .
Do tell me if I publish next chapter  today or tomorrow

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