chapter 23

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 after changing his pad , ro went to vi office

ro sat on vi's lap and start playing with his shirt buttons

vi- baby I WANT To discuss some things with you ok

ro said okay vi 

vi- I have noticed that you are sleeping too much these days which isn't good for your health so from now on you are going to cook food for us  and no sleeping during afternoon if I saw you sleeping then get ready for punishments okay and here are some rules for RED ROOM

vi gave that paper to rohit in which rules are written and started reading the rules

1- strip before going there 

2- kneel beside the bed NAKED

3= bring out all toys by yourself and if you been over smart  have to face the consequences

4- after punishment , there will be no after care 

ro got scared listening the rules but he can't do anything 

time skip

at evening , ro was watching tv where an advertisement came which is about college and then he start remembering about his college days 

ro wants to talk to vi about it but stopped himself as he don't know if Virat would get angry or  not 

virat pov 

afterv my baby left mrs sharma called me 

vi- what mrs sharma why did you call

mrs sharma - damad ji can I please talk to Rohit once please

vi - no you cant saying this I cut the call 

at evening when I went to our room I saw my baby thinking something very deeply 

author's pov 

the voice of opening door make Rohit come out of his thoughts 

ro- vi, you came 

vi- yes baby now let me change 

once vi came out of washroom he saw Rohit thinking again 

ro- vi , I want to say something 

vi- yes baby , say 

ro- first you promise me you wont get angry or punished me 

vi said sternly - depends on what you say but I will not punish you now I will punish you after your periods got over

ro looked down but didn't said anything 

vi- I am waiting babyboy 

r0 - bbeffore our marriage I used to go college but after they start searching a groom for me they stopped my college 

vi- hmm so said vi fully knowing where this conversation is going 

ro - so ccan I please ggo ccoll

before he could complete his face got turned s vi slapped him really tightly 

tears came from his eyes and lower lip start bleeding 

vi - listen you brat if you ever dared to say that again I am going to fuck you till you only feel me inside you even when I am not inside got it 

but ro was determined so he argue 

Ro - why can't I its not like I am the only bottom one that wants to go college many people like go 

vi slapped him again but ro didn't stop 

you all are bad you just want to control me not letting me do anything but what should I di huh its not my fault that become submissive said while crying but our vi was super angry hearing this so he went to his wardrobe and brought a whip 

seeing that Rohit realize what he just said so he start pleading 

vvi please I am sorry its just came out of my mouth I am sorry please not that it hurt very badly 

vi- punishments are meant to be hurt babyboy now get ready for it saying this he start beating Rohit with full force 

ro - ahhhhh vi sssoorrry aahhh pplease sorry 

but vi didn't heard his any plead and continued beating him 

after for beating like 2-3 hrs he finally stopped and saw what condition of Rohit

his shirt was torn , marks of whip every where in his body  , lips bleeding , 

Virat throwed the whip and came to rohit where he was laying unconscious sat beside him and said babyboy , look what you did to yourself 

after that Virat changed his clothes but didn't applied any ointment made him lay on the bed and called maids to bring dinner only for him 

after eating he stripped himself and rohit , did s**x  like  beast and slept putting his junior inside him 

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