Chapter 17

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Vi - You want to leave me right then go leave me (said very calmly)

Ro looked at him confusingly
Vi said again You want to leave me Rohit go now I am not stopping you

Ro looked towards him but didn't  say anything thing but  from inside he was scared very scared

Vi - Rohit Sharma You have 10 mins , you better go away from my house or I am gonna punish you bad

Ro get up and run towards the door but after hearing his next words Ro stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened

Vi - Rohit strip yourself as they are from my money and I dont waste my money on someone ungrateful like you .

Ro - master please don't  do this please let me take these clothes please
Vi - Rohit immediately strip yourself or You want guards to come and do that for you

Rohit doesn't  know many things about you but he surely knows one thing that Virat Kohli is the man of his words if he said something he would do it by hool or by crook

So Rohit went on his knees with tears roll down on his cheeks  and said - Master please , don't  do this to me

Vi said - Fine Its not like I will go bankrupt if you take this go but remember one thing baby after ypu left I will take every luxury away from  your parents and all the money by the way They already waste  4Crores and now they have to return it

Ro didnt said anything but looked towards the ground only

Vi - Go baby go but I know within One week you will come by yourself only . do you really think they care about you if they will really sold you to me? anyways IF YOU CAME BACK i am goona punish ypu very hard that ypu will forget everything except me now go dont waste yoir time and one more thing if I ever see you near my mansion you will regret it .

Ro left immediately not wanting to get punished but little did he know he has to come back again hair .

He left the mansion but this time nobody stopped him as per ordered by Virat

Living in a house and not going out Rohit literally forget that the nights are going chilly here and for a sensitive  person like  Rohit Its freezing cold

Somehow he reached his home and press the bell

Soon His mother came was shocked to see him

Ro' s mom - Rohit what are you doing here beta , did damad ji drop you

Ro- No mom I came here my myself and I left that home
As soon as the words came out he was slapped by his mother

Ro's Mom - Rohit Are you stupid or what yes we sold you to him and why did you came now he wont give us money , you idiot man just go back to him and never come again here

Hearing those words from her mouth he was shockd and afcourse who wouldnt be

Ro - Mom please tell me its lie please how could you this to me Am I that bad

Mom - No , its not a lie and nobody wa ready to marry you Rohit and afcourse why would they nobody want a fatty guy like you but Virat wants so we happily sold you to him also he was giving us money so you piece of shit , just go back to

Rohit was numb completely not knowing  what to do or say

Mom - tell me one thing rohit did you both consume your first night
Ro nodded
Again 2 slaps occured on his face
Mom - you idiot you gave him your most precious thing to him and now want us to take you back Rohit it will create shame to your father and to me also  If you left him he wont give us money anymore so Rohit go back do anything apologise to him  serve yourself to him but NEVER COME BACK AGAIN HERE YOU DON'T  BELONG HERE ANYMORE
Saying this she closed door on his face

Now Ro was numb like he  dont know what he will do now Should he go to Virat And take everything like before  he was thinking all this but suddenly the door opened and again his hopes begin taking place but this time his father came out and crushed his every hope
And said Rohit , come I will drop you to Damad ji as he won't  like you going alone there .
Ro - Papa please don't  do this to me

Dad - Rohit you have created enough issues in our lives but not anymore so I am dropping there and never come gain here
We sold you and in return he gave us money and we are very happy without you so never came back again come I will drop you

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