Chapter 9

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As the marriage date comes nearer , Rohit was feeling anxious and as according to Virat's rule , no one is allowed to go inside his room and our Ro was feel anxious as he has no one to talk now

Even in the functions , Virat ordered him not to talk to anyone and stay beside him only.
Their haldi outfits

Rohit's outfit (I really want to put his wedding outfit but couldn't  find so adjust with this plz )

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Rohit's outfit (I really want to put his wedding outfit but couldn't  find so adjust with this plz )

Rohit's outfit (I really want to put his wedding outfit but couldn't  find so adjust with this plz )

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Virat's outfit

Now their Mehndi outfit

Now their Mehndi outfit

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Rohit's outfit

Virat's outfit

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Virat's outfit

Now  finally the wedding day came

Sharmas reached the venue of wedding before as they have to welcome the Grooms's side people

Ro was sent into the groom's room as he cant  see Virat before the garland ceremony

Then around 8:00 Groom's side people came and they did Milani ( It is a kind of greeting both the sides exchange their gift and shows to everyone what they have brought for the groom and bride ) It actually took one hour

After that Vi sat on mare ( female horse ) and all ICT members  dance so much .

Then all the ladies did his Tilak and Ro came with flower on his hands and throwed that towards Vi in the signalling of welcoming him then Ro left with the people he came with ( In this Ro's face was covered it is actually a ritual in our culture so thought to write it ).

then all ladies welcome him and he sat  on the chair and priest started chanting .

After that finished Virat get up and went on the stage where they did some photoshoot  , Ro came and all start hooting loudly teasing Vi

Vi smirk seeing his babyboy finally in that dress.

Everyone was happy except on pure innocent soul and i.e. Rohit

When Rohit put his hand on Vi's hand he felt chills ran down his spine .

First Ro put garland around Vi's neck and Vi did the same .

All the members of both the family came and gave them their blessings .

Both Ro and Vi sat together for their dinner  when servants start serving Vi stopped them and ask them to serve his diet food which they did .

Hearing that Ro scrunched his nose and stopped himself from eating that healthy food ( obviously who likes to that food )

Seeing Rohit not eating Vi asked him why you  are not eating ?

Ro replied I don't  like these kinds of food

Hearing that all Ict members laugh

Vi glare at them and Rohit too  making them shut up and said you will eat this only

Ro immediately start eating not wanting to make Vi angry on their marriage itself and remembering  previous punishment .

And after that they went to the Mandap and start the remaining ritual priest started chanting and then they took 7 rounds around the holy fire 

Vi put mangalsutra like locked around Rohit's Neck   and vermillion on his forehead.
The Marriage got  completed and they both took elders blessing.

Ro cried hugging his mother  as he don't  know when he will be allowed to meet them

Vi gave some cash to Ro's father which he took immediately and warm him not to interfere in his marriage now.

Ro and Vi sat in their car and left for their home well ( Ro left for his new home also know as his new cage which has no escape from his husband ) After sometime Rohit slept and Vi put Ro's head on his lap .

After they reached home  they both perform some games and everyone got tired after that and left for their room

A servant showed Ro his and Vi's room and waited for Vi as he was talking to some of his freinds bout unknowingly  slept took over him as he hot the bed .

Then Vi came and saw his boy sleeping in his bed . Vi put Rohit on the bed properly and slept hugging him tightly as he was also very tired from all the functions .

Vi' s outfit

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Vi' s outfit

Vi' s outfit

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Ro's outfit

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Now the real chapter will be starting soon .
Till then Bye take care and have so much fun

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