Chapter 10

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Author's Pov

The next day , Vi wake up before Ro and after staring the sleepy beauty beside him , he went to washroom and get ready for breakfast .

Then he woke Ro up , Ro did not want to get up so he said please Virat hearing Virat from his mouth Vi immediately slapped Ro tightly making Ro woke up with a jolt and hold his cheek where he slapped Ro

Seeimg him Ro remembered everything and said Sorry master , it won't  happen again

Virat said its ok now get ready and come for breakfast

After he left Ro cried for sometime and left for get ready .

After a lot of difficulty he finally found his way to the dinning room and where Vi was sitting on the head chair  probably waiting for him to come and eat with him .

Vi asked Ro - Rohit , why were you late

Ro looked scared and said in a low voice - master ,actually I didn't  know where is dinning room and I lost my way in this mansion .

Vi nodded and just hummed

Ro went to sit on the floor but seeing that Vi asked - why are you sitting on the floor Ro , come here

Hearing that Ro tool baby steps towards him making vi to say Ro come here fast .

As Ro went near him , Vi pulled him towards himself and said sternly , next better come fast or I won't  think twice before punishing you

Ro nodded , Vi told him to come and sit on his lap and hearing that Ro looked towards him in surprise as why not from childhood he use to sit on the floor and never have been sitting on anyone's  lap as his mother has to take care of three sons and whenever he wants to sit on her lap his brothers would occupy his space before him and his father's lap is a big no itself

Virat seeing him lost in his thoughts shake him lightly and patted on his thigh. 

Ro sat there uncomfortably not wanting to put his weight on Virat. 

Vi feeling that his Ro is uncomfortable  placed him comfortably on his lap and said put your weight on me Ro you are not that heavy

Ro looked at him in suprise and said really master Am I not fat

Ro looked at him with his doe eyes waiting for answer

Vi looked at him in surprise and said with a smile -  Afcourse Ro you are not fat who told you that

Ro said with a pout and teary eyes -  everyone make fun of me they called me names like vadapav , fatty and even papa used to say no one will marry me if I became more fat .

Vi said in his soft voice Ro Ro bear , ypu are not fat okay baba don't  listen to such nonsense okay
And remember  one thing now you are only mine so if you have any doubt regarding yourself come to me okay baba only my approval is needed only.

Now eat your food amd stop talking added vi

Vi aske dmaids to serve them and seeing only healthy food Ro pouted and seeing milk which Ro absolutely  hate ( Afcourse who like milk not me atleast 🥴🥴🤮🤮,)

Vi looked at him and gave him a warning look which says" dare you not to eat this ".

Ro pouted again looked away from his intense gaze looked away making Vi hold his face which turns Ro's lips in a pout and said gritting his teeth - Never dare to look away when I am talking to you got it

Ro feeling pain only nodded and only for Vi to hold his face more tightly and said Verbal Answers only Rohit

Ro with a difficulty said yes I got it.

Vi left his face and start eating also made his baby bear eat by his own hands

Ro without saying anything eat from his hands and finished his breakfast then Vi handed him glass of milk making Ro scrunch his nose and silently pleading him not to make him drink this

Vi didn't  listen to him and said sternly - Rohit drink this , it is good for your health na baba .

Ro looked down and scrunched his nose hearing Rohit from Vi's mouth and said in a low voice - please don't  call me Rohit and if I drank this milk will ypu give me choclate and will only call me with nick names master

Hearing that Vi smiled and said okay baba but only one chocolate okay

Ro nodded and scrunching his nose finally drink the milk and took his hand out asking for chocolate which Vi promised just now .

Vi laughed at him and wipe his mouth seeing the remaining milk left on Ro's upler lip then Vi ordered maid to bring one choclate which she gave him and he gave to Ro .

Ro happily took the chocolate and start eating making Vi pinch his nose cutely

Then atlast Eo realise that he didn't  ask Vi for choclate and asked Vi of he want to have one but silently pleading him to say no as he wants the last piece. 

Seeing Ro giving chocolate to Vi he immediately said no Rohit you eat that I cant have this .

Hearing that Ro's eyes sparkle making Vi squished Ro's cheek and Ro immediately eat the last last piece .

Vi hold him more tightly and make a promise never to let anyone hurt him except himself .

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Also let me know of you want smut as this story will have many smuts still I want to ask if you guys are comfortable  or not.

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