Chapter 11

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After having breakfast , Vi told Ro to wash his face as choclate was spread on his face .

After washing his face , a servant came to take Ro to Vi's office where he was sitting like a king .

After servant helped Ro he left then Ro knocked on Door and and he heard come in from inside .

Ro opened the door and he saw the beautiful office

Vi saw that and ordered Ro to sit in front of him

Vi gave pen and paper to him and ordered him to write and learn all the rules

Rule1- Ro should listen to everything Vi says

Rule2- Never roam in the house

Rule3- No talking to anyone untill  and unless have permission  from him

Rule4- Never try to escape as he will know anyway

Rule5- Never say no to him for anything

Rule6- Never roll your eyes at me

Rule7- Never skip meal , eat healthy always

Rule8 - Always give verbal answers

Rule9- Never step out of the house without Vi's permission

Rule10 - Never say no to me for anything no matter what I am doing to you .

Rule11- Always respect him as I am superior  to you

If you didn't  follow these rules will lead to punishment according  to what mistake you did .

Ro write all the rules and make a mental note to learn all these

Understand  Rohit - said virat

Ro first nodded but then remembering  the rule he said yes master I understand.

Then Virat told Ro to come and sit on his lap which Ro happily oblige and why not someone  wanting Ro to sit on his lap is not something Ro is used of

As Vi was working Ro was feeling boring so he leaned towards Vi feeling his warmth he slept on his lap

Ro snuggled more into Vi's neck only to make Vi smile

It was lunch time and Vi being the health freak didn't  want Ro to skip lunch so he tried to wake Ro up  only to make Ro whine more and snuggled more into him

Babyboy get up , its lunch time see after  lunch you can sleep okay now get up bachha said Vi softly .

Ro whined again and this time said strictly - Rohit ,  get up if you don't  want to get punished

Hearing Vi Ro immediately got up and said sorry master, it won't  happen again and hugged Vi tightly silently indicating him not to punish him .

Vi understood that and said its okay Ro now I won't  punish you

Vi ordered maids to bring their lunch in the office only and after  bringing lunch they left

Vi and Ro finished their lunch and went to their room .

Vi told Ro - Ro I have to go noe as I have meeting and practice session also as we are having  series after 2 weeks

Ro nodded making Vi glare at him and feeling that Ro immediately  said Okay master but when  will you come

Vi said by 9pm I guess and remembers all the rules ok if you need anything call me
After  saying this he left

After that Ro watched Tv for sometime but he was missing his mither badly so thought to call Vi sking him permission  to go out and meet his mother

Ro called Vi and said Master can I go to my mother's place please

Hearing that Vi immediately decline and Said No you will not meet them .

Ro tried more only to hear Rohit , if I am being lenient with you that doesn't  mean you will argue with me If I said no that emas No gaot now don't  make me come there and punish you saying that he cut the  call .

Tears form in Ro's eyes as he was missing his mother badly , he cried for sometime then stopped

Ro thought master is with his teammates so how will he know I went out of the house to meet mumma and then he can be back before 9 pm .

As he planned , he sneaked out to meet his mother .

On the other hand Vi got call from his bodyguards about Ro sneaking from the house

Vi ordered him to let him go  and saying this he cut the call.

Vote and comment guys
Also tell me what will Vi do now
Why Vi let Ro sneaked out .

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