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The night of my anniversary finally hit and I am excited for the next new venture in my life. Kai said he was picking me up and taking me done to the venue. He's always been so good to me and sometimes I question why, but it's just his character. I remember the very first day we met. Sometimes I think it was a sign, other times not so much.

~2 years earlier~

I was stressed out because me and my brother just had another fight. Rylo and I sometimes don't get along and we clash! He just doesn't understand me and doesn't wanna open up. I left and went to the diner down the street because I was hungry as hell not gonna hold you. Maybe that's why I was so upset with him. This wasn't no 1960's shit either. It was modern with good quality food, might I add.

I was waiting for my background to come back to see if I'm eligible to move. I've been living with Rylo since I was 13. Our mother wasn't the best and our father passed the day I was born. She just gave us away and told Rylo to watch after us and he did just that. I love my brother, it's just sometimes we have our fights, but we're back to normal as always.

I sat down and ordered my food and scrolled on social media until my food came.

"I'll be glad when my background gets back. Gone be on my own shit, for real! Sick of this bullshit!"

"What bullshit?"

"Excuse me?" I said.

"I heard you complaining over here. Just wanted to be nosey,"

"Sir, why are you even paying attention to me?"

This man was about 5'5, he was dark skin, had long locs, and full lips. He had on a black muscle shirt, some black slacks, black dress shoes, and a very expensive watch. He had a lot of tattoos all over his arms as well. Who is this fine man?!

"I mean, you were speaking out loud,"

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"What's with the attitude?"

"I was just trynna end the conversation. I didn't think I had an attitude,"

"You need some company?"


"Sure you do,"

He got up from the seat behind me and sat across from me. He smiled in an evil way and waved at me. I let out a small giggle letting him know that he impressed me.

"What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Rylan. My name is Kailen. See how our names sort of rhyme?"


"Damn. I thought I was trynna lighten the mood,"

"My bad. It's cute. I like it,"

"Thank you. So what brings you here all alone?"

"My brother and I had a small fight. We just clash a lot,"

"That's how me and my closest cousin were at one point. We were tighter than the Kardashian's medical procedures,"

"You ain't right," I laughed.

"But it's true though. You couldn't keep us away from each other,"

"I love my brother dearly, he just gets on my everlasting nerves,"

"He loves you though. Never forget that," he smiled.

"I won't. So what do you do for a living?"

"Me? Well...I'm a cop,"

"Oh! You a fed!"

"Call it what you want, baby girl. The way you was talking to me, I was gone put them cuffs on you. Maybe the other kind if you be a lil more nice," he winked.

"Okay! You're done!"

I laughed and seemed to forget what I was mad about.

"My brothers don't fuck with the police,"

"Eh! Get that a lot. I just might know your brothers...never talk much about you though,"

"What's my brother's name's then?"

"Rylo...Rizo...and RJ,"


"I be hearing about them here and there. Ian trynna scare you,"

"Nah, I get it. My bro's are pretty popular around town,"

"You're too good for them. You don't need to be around that mess,"

"What? You gone tell the people at the leasing office to expedite my background?"

"I can't get them to do that, but I can help you in your journey,"

"Really? How?"

"I can get you around the right people and get you out of your brothers shadow faster,"

"I'll just make a way myself, however, I do have a business that's also overwhelmingly successful, that it's becoming too much to keep up with. I'm moving, doing school, and running a business all by myself with minimal help,"

"I see you're very passionate about these things,"

"Yeah. Rylo got me started with some pointers, but he's been extra busy lately,"

"I'll tell you what? If you give me your number...I can change your world,"

"Change my world?"

"Yeah. What woman don't want a supportive man by their side. If not a man, at least a friend,"

"You're willing to help me?"

"Yes. Whatever you need, I got you,"

"One fuck up, you're through,"

"You got my word,"


From that day forward, he has been the best man a woman could ask for. I just wish Rylo would realize that! But I'm not about to argue with that man. This is my life and I live it the way I want to live it.

Brittany and Kacey had texted me and let me know they are at the venue and ready for my grand entrance. Everyone is there but me. Kai said he's on his way, so I should be there any minute. I took one more look in the mirror and admired my look. I look so good!

"You are really gonna blow them people away tonight," Kai said.

"Thank you, babe,"

"You ready to go? Everybody's waiting on you,"

"Yeah, I'm ready to go. Tonight is going to be perfect and nothing will go wrong tonight!"

"That's right baby girl. Tonight is all about you,"

He grabbed my hand and we both walked out the front door. I made sure to lock my house up and Kai escorted me to the car. We were riding in his 2023 Benz SUV. He opened the door for me and let me inside being the gentleman that he is. He is the perfect match for me.

𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔓𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔬𝔫𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔢𝔰 ⚠︎ (Kai Cenat Fan Story)Where stories live. Discover now