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It's been a week since everything had happened. Kai still doesn't have the green light to go back to work, Rylo is no longer cool with Dez, and Don is officially rolling around with Rylo. Rizo on the other hand has ran a couple of errands for Kai that concludes drug trafficking and manipulating any witnesses.


"I've been trynna call Kacey all day and she's not even answering!" Brittany cried.

"Did you go over her house?" I asked.

"No one is answering. Are you sure you talked to her?"

"Yes. The last time we talked she was telling me about Kailen,"

"And now all of a sudden she's missing?"

"She's not missing. I'm sure she's fine--"

"Rylan, this is our friend we're talking about. She isn't answering her phone and she isn't answering her door. She is either missing, dead, or don't like us and I refuse to think she just up and decided she don't fuck with us anymore. I refuse! We need to do something,"

"Let's file a missing person's report then," I suggested.

"Isn't it funny how that witness died and now Kacey is gone?"

"Kai knows Kacey is my girl! He would never--"

"Open your fucking eyes, Rylan! Real shit! And word on the street is, Kai isn't even working! Have you seen him in his uniform lately? What about riding around catching criminals?" Brittany asked.

"He tells me he goes to work all the time,"

"But when is the last time you saw him at his job or working his job?"

"A while ago. Besides we were supposed to go on vacation and he said he had to cancel due to work,"

"And you believe that? Look...I didn't wanna say it, but my boyfriend knows a lot of people in the drug industry, okay? Word got out that Kailen is participating is some type of trafficking and that he's suspended,"


"I don't know. So If I were you, I would talk to him. See if he knows anything about Kacey. Please?" She pleaded.


"Don't let me down on this. She's our friend and she would do the same for you,"

"When he gets here, I'll bring it up to him,"

"And call me after you do,"

I hung up the phone and took a deep breath. I didn't know what to do. Everybody ahs been saying this and that about Kai and it's starting to make me mad. Did Kai really kill my brother? What is he up to? What's going on?


As the detectives and officers settled the handcuffed figure into the chair, Officer Gray's heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. Two years of incarceration had taken a heavy toll on the prisoner, leaving him gaunt and weary. This was Gray's second opportunity to unravel the truth behind the murder of RJ, a case that had haunted him ever since the fateful night. The prisoner, drained by the relentless weight of his confinement, finally broke his silence. He confessed to being a pawn in a sinister plot orchestrated by Kai, the true perpetrator. Kai, driven by motives yet unknown, had lured the prisoner to RJ's house and orchestrated the fatal shooting from afar. The prisoner's confession painted a chilling picture of manipulation and deceit, revealing the depths of Kai's depravity. As the prisoner's words echoed through the interrogation room, Officer Gray felt a surge of relief mingled with a profound sense of justice. The truth had finally emerged, and the innocent could be exonerated.

𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔓𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔬𝔫𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔢𝔰 ⚠︎ (Kai Cenat Fan Story)Where stories live. Discover now