XIII (2st trial)

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Days have passed, night have been long, and the mystery still continues on who shot RJ

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Days have passed, night have been long, and the mystery still continues on who shot RJ. The second court date was canceled, but they rescheduled for another day. In the mean time, Kacey has still not been found and everyone fears she may be dead.


"AHH-" the last words rang out of as she struggled to breathe, feeling the searing pain in her chest from the gunshot wound; she collapsed onto the cold, hard floor of her own living room, gasping for air as darkness threatened to claim her consciousness.

Meanwhile, as the chaos ensued in the aftermath of the violent act, Rizo quickly reached for his phone and urgently dialed Kai's number. Kai, on the other end of the line, was busy coordinating with the necessary individuals to ensure that the scene of the shooting would be cleaned up promptly and thoroughly, trying to restore at least a semblance of order in the midst of the shocking turn of events.

"It's done. Send them over," Rizo said.

"I am. I doing that now. Make sure she isn't breathing! I need no evidence in this shit!"

"She's gone. I'm looking at her now,"

"Okay. Any word on Kacey yet?"

"Nah. I don't know where she is at all. My sister thinks she may be dead,"

"Good! She better be lucky I gave her grace. I'm busy with some shit right now, but call me back when they get done cleaning that shit up," He said, hanging up the phone.


"She's gone, Dez. Clean," Kai ran a hand through his hair, the fluorescent lights of the dingy motel room highlighting the worry etched on his face.

Dez, hunched over a laptop, tapped out a series of commands before slamming it shut with a sigh. "Good. It's a relief, but it's not over yet,"

"Already on it. Got a place in mind, out in the boonies. No cameras, no witnesses. We'll be fine," Kai leaned back in his chair, the tension in his shoulders evident.

"But what about the trial? The cops are breathing down our necks, and the media's having a field day," Dez asked.

"They'll have to find something. I was careful. They'll never get a conviction," Kai puffed out a cloud of smoke, his eyes narrowed. 'But if they do—" Dez said.

Kai cut him off. 'We don't think about that. We focus on the case, on getting it thrown out. And we keep our heads down. No more flashy moves, no more..." He paused, choosing his words carefully. "No more Kacey,"

Kai nodded grimly. "We'll keep it low-key,"

"But what about the reputation? This whole thing is bad for business. People are scared," Dez asked.

"We rebuild. We find new recruits, ones who aren't afraid of a little risk. We show them we're still in control. We're not finished yet, Dez. Not by a long shot," Kai said.

Dez met his gaze, a flicker of determination in his eyes. "You're right. We'll be fine. We always are,"

They had weathered many storms before, and they would weather this one too. But the shadow of Kacey, the constant reminder of their recklessness, lingered in the room, a dark cloud on the horizon of their future.


In the tense atmosphere of the courtroom, Officer Gray sat at the defense table, his gaze fixed on the proceedings. Officer Kailen, seated beside him, exuded an air of confidence. The prosecutor called Ms. Jones to the stand, eagerly awaiting her testimony.

Ms. Jones's account was damning, as she recounted seeing Officer Kailen with a gun in his hand at the scene of the shooting. The defense attorney swiftly objected, citing hearsay, but the judge overruled. Despite the defense's attempt to cast doubt on her reliability, Ms. Jones remained resolute in her identification of Officer Kailen.

The prosecution's second witness, Mr. Smith, further implicated Officer Kailen. He described a heated altercation between Officer Kailen and Officer Gray following the shooting. The defense objected to the relevance of this testimony, but the judge again overruled. The defense attorney's attempts to discredit Mr. Smith's testimony failed to sway the jury.

As the prosecution presented its case, Officer Kailen's smug demeanor began to waver. The weight of the evidence against him seemed overwhelming. The prosecutor urged the jury to consider the eyewitness accounts and the inconsistencies in the defense's arguments.

In a dramatic turn of events, the defense attorney requested a mistrial, citing the prosecutor's alleged attempt to confuse the jury. The judge granted the request, ending the trial prematurely. Officer Gray and Officer Kailen were escorted out of the courtroom, their fates hanging in the balance.


OFFICER GRAY, dressed in a prison uniform, sits at the defense table. OFFICER KAILEN sits beside him, looking smug.

We call our first witness, Ms. Jones.

MS. JONES walks to the stand.

Were you present at the scene of the shooting that killed RJ Harrison?


Did you see who fired the fatal shot?

I saw Officer Kailen with a gun in his hand.

Objection! Hearsay.


(To Ms. Jones)
Are you sure it was Officer Kailen? It was dark and chaotic.

I'm positive. I saw his face clearly.

(To the jury)
Ladies and gentlemen, this witness is unreliable. She's making accusations based on a brief glimpse in the dark.

We call our second witness, Mr. Smith.

MR. SMITH walks to the stand.

Mr. Smith, what did you see that night?

I saw a fight between Officer Kailen and Officer Gray after the shooting.

Objection! Irrelevant.


(To Mr. Smith)
Why would Officer Gray fight with Officer Kailen after a shooting?

I don't know. It seemed like they were arguing about something.

(To the jury)
This witness is also unreliable. He can't even explain why Officer Gray would fight with Officer Kailen.

Your Honor, the defense is attempting to confuse the jury. We have two eyewitnesses who place Officer Kailen at the scene with the gun.

The jury will consider all the evidence presented.

We ask for a mistrial.

Granted. The trial is declared a mistrial.

The jury leaves the courtroom. Officer Gray and Officer Kailen are escorted out.

𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔓𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔬𝔫𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔢𝔰 ⚠︎ (Kai Cenat Fan Story)Where stories live. Discover now