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(Again, in advance, please feel free to read and make suggestions on what you think will be better, I encourage constructive criticism it'll help me write better and you enjoy the story. 

Side note: if something doesn't make sense it may or may not be revealed or explained further on. Also this version isn't fully edited so if there's grammar mistakes or awkward sentences that's why)

A large boned tabby tom raced through the forest, urgency filled his thoughts. He paced until until he stood face to face with a large silver colored tom. In the silver toms clutches was a tiny grey kit, it was dead. He was too late. The tabby tom whipped his head to meet the gaze of the large silver tom. It was raining and the day was nearing to an end. He lashed his tail as the silver tom gave him a meticulous grin, the soaked kit lay motionless under his paws. The sound of crashing water and rain drowned out most of the sounds.

"I won't let you get away, not this time!" The brown tabby snarled, his fury blazing through his soaked fur.

"I have nowhere to go except through you, and we both know how that will end," the silver tom purred smirking, with a glint in his deep yellow eyes. The brown tabby froze, flashes of possibilities surged through his mind. He was right, there was only one way. As he stood lashing his tail, with a daring glint in his eye, the silver tom read him.

"I'm in the paws of StarClan," the tabby muttered.

"You can't possibly be thinking..." before the silver tom could finish the brown tabby leaped, barreling into the silver tom, causing them both to plunging into the rushing waters.

"You fool! You'll kill us both!" By the time the silver tom snarled his words drowned as they hit the icy cold water. The brown tabby held onto the silver pelt, digging his claws in the fur, until a full rush of water pulled them apart, dragging the brown tabby under. He thrashed in the water as best he could until he reached the surface. As he gasped for air, he heard the choking and spitting of the silver tom in the distance. The heavy rain splattered on him, making it all the more difficult to stay afloat. 

It felt like moons the tom had been desperately trying to keep himself afloat. His muscles made one last thrust towards the surface before they grew too tired to move. The heavy sound of rain was drowned as he sank under the water. As he sank he knew this was his last battle. He let out the last of his air, then everything grew dark.

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