Chapter 17

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Another moon went by and Shatteredface was now a full fledged medicine cat. He just needed his ceremony with StarClan, which he was nervous about. He still needed to fulfill his prophecy and he hadn't even figured it out. He was on his way to the highstones. It was now half moon, and a lot had happened since Violetpaw died. Owlkit and Rubblekit were now apprentices and so were Greykit and Stumpykit. He hoped Copperpaw would earn her warriors name soon. The brilliant she had gotten him through a lot, and helped with his own training. If anyone deserved to be a warrior, she did.

Shatteredface trailed through the four trees with Cloverfeather. When she came to a halt so did he. 

"Let's wait up for the other medicine cats," she meowed. A cold breeze blew by as she spoke. After a few long heartbeats went by, he scented the ThunderClan medicine cats, Goldenstripe and Robinfur, who had gotten his own medicine cat name two moons before.

"Clover," he heard Goldenstripe meow. She seemed down and less enthusiastic as she usually was. "How are you?"

"I just hope StarClan has some answers," Cloverfeather sighed. Anxiety shot through Shatteredface. He wished he could tell the fellow medicine cats about his troubles, that everything would be okay, or at least he hoped. Fortunately none of the other clans had heard what Shatteredface had done, and if Violetpaw was alive she might've already spoiled his secret. His worries were interrupted by the RiverClan medicine cat, Stormheart.

When Stormheart arrived it was silent for a long, awkward moment filled with uncertainty. "We should get moving then?" Stormheart finally grunted. Each cat padded until they were in WindClan, where they ran into Birdtalon and Halfpaw.

"Hi Shatteredpaw," Halfpaw blurted. She seemed excited to see him, which warmed his dampened spirit.

"Erm, it's Shatteredface now," he meowed. "Hi," he dipped his head, though he wasn't sure if he was facing the right direction.

"Really? Congratulations, I always knew you were brilliant," Goldenstripe chirped, her excited energy grew back hearing the news.

"Congratulations," Halfpaw meowed, giving him an affectionate nudge.

"Thank you."

"Yes yes, very exciting. Now let's get on, we don't have all night," Stormheart grumbled. 

"He's right," Birdtalon, the WindClan medicine cat echoed.

They crossed the thunder path with no problem, although it burned his paws just as much as last few times. They trotted until they reached the mother mouth. Its entrance loomed eerily, letting out a cool breeze. Shatteredface couldn't help but shudder.

"Are we all ready?" Cloverfeather meowed. Each cat let out a meow in response. This time Shatteredface followed behind Halfpaw, being more familiar with the cold tunnel. The cave was just as chilled as he remembered. Shatteredface waited for the medicine cats to settle before he pressed his nose to the cold stone and he fell into sleep.

*                  *                 *

Shatteredface opened his eyes and he was at the four trees. There was now many, many cats— many cats he didn't know. They all stared at him with a grim or unreadable expression. Branchstar, Saptoes, and his mother were the closest to him. 

"Shatteredface, you've grown into an exceptional medicine cat, we can only hope you'll be great," Saptoes spoke. His tone wasn't of familiarity though, but how Branchstar spoke to him, in a rather demanding, grim tone.

"May young Shatteredface serve his clan for many moons to come as ShadowClans new medicine cat!" Branchstar announced. All the cats yowled in including his mother, chanting his new name, but they didn't sound enthused. This made Shatteredface's stomach twist. He saw each cat nod to him, some cats giving him a rather dirty look. They all knew what he did he realized. They said nothing more when they nodded. He wondered why they wouldn't give him more guidance, reassurance he was on the right path. The only cat that told him anything wasn't among the group. The silver tom, which he met in the darkness. 

Anxiety flooded through him as he thought of how the silver cat told him he must leave his clan, and here he was. Shatteredface wanted to know more, but as each of them nodded, they disappeared, before he could ask any questions.

Last to be seen was Willowfur and another cat who looked like his mother but smaller. His stomach twisted once more, and his fur bristled.

"Violetpaw," he whispered cooly, feeling a familiar chill flow through him.

"Yes, it's me," she meowed, her tone was different from her usual mocking tone. The two cats approached him and he took a step back, letting out an angered hiss. They both sat down in front of him, and he narrowed his eyes.

"Shatteredface, I need to apologize for how I treated you," Willowfur spoke. She needed to, but that didn't mean she wanted to. He thought bitterly.  Violetpaw was glaring at him with a mostly unreadable expression. He could see but a sliver of fear and uncertainty in her eyes. "I abandoned you, and it took death to realize how unfair and selfish I was. I couldn't bare to acknowledge you for... my own mistakes," Willowfur finished. Shatteredface looked into her eyes, he still couldn't read her expression, he couldn't tell if she was really being sincere.

"...Willowfur," Shatteredface began, unsheathing his claws and digging them in the ground below him. "I don't forgive you. I don't think I ever will. You hurt me, You could've given me a happier life, you had the power to. Instead you allowed me to be miserable. You didn't even care that I was suffering. You're no mother of mine, and you," he continued flicking his tail at Violetpaw. "You are no sister of mine," he hissed coldly. He stood, lifting his chin and tail in defiance, narrowing his eyes. "Stay out of my dreams, I never want to see you again," he growled. The two cats were silent. Shatteredface hated the two, he never felt anything loyal towards them. When he blinked it was dark again. As he opened his eyes the silver tom was casually sitting beside him as if they were in camp, sharing tongues.

"I'll admit, that was cold of you, but necessary I suppose. They don't deserve your mourn nor your forgiveness," he cooed, his voice was deep and soothing and he stared ahead as if in deep thought. "Remember, you are worth much more than others may think of you. I'll guide you through this, and you will be rewarded. I promise," the silver tom murmured disappearing.

"But I need answers, what am I supposed to do?" Shatteredface pressed, but it was too late, the tom had disappeared.

"Follow the path," the voice echoed before disappearing.

Shatteredface awoke, to hear cats shuffling around. Everyone else were waking. A shiver ran through him as he felt a nose press him on. "Let's go," He heard Cloverfeather meow. He followed her scent out of the cold tunnel. He breathed in the cool breeze.

*                *               *

After a long night, Shatteredface couldn't wait to curl up in his nest. Cloverfeather had padded ahead of him while he stopped to take a remaining mouse in the fresh kill pile. It was night by now and after the visit to StarClan he knew he needed to leave. It was clear by now that his path was outside of ShadowClan. He crouch down to eat and as he finished turned back toward the entrances, noting he would gather travel herbs on his journey. He padded his whiskers twitched and he came to a halt. A cat stood in front of him. As he breathed in the scent he found it was Copperpaw.

"Shatteredface, I need to talk to you," she meowed firmly.

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