Chapter 13

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Once again Shatteredpaw felt useless, it was unbearable listen to his clan diligently working while he wasted away in his nest. Shatteredpaw spent another four days recovering, occasional voices of the silver tom echoed through his head, telling him he'd done the right thing as Shatteredpaw constantly doubted himself. This cat wasn't like Branchstar and his visions. He hadn't even seen Bramchstar in a long while. Had the leader given up on him? Was the prophecy over?

 To his relief Violetpaw had finally recovered from her twisted leg injury. Everything seemed all the more peaceful while she was gone. Shatteredpaw's thoughts began to clear.

His reared scratches had soothed and nearly healed, along with his headache and sore shoulders. His stiff, achy muscles soothed. The only problem was his belly. He remembered letting the rogue dig his claws into his belly so that he could look into the tom's eyes as he killed him. Shatteredpaw had failed in this, and he regretted ever looking for a fight. Flashes of the event seeped through his mind often, depriving him of much needed rest. He couldn't possibly share this with Cloverfeather, it was shameful and he longed for her comfort. He wasn't entirely sure if she knew what he had done, but he wasn't going to risk telling her, she might just turn her back on him.

Shatteredpaw had managed to stand and walk, though it hurt as his belly flooded with uncomfortable pain. How had he survived? Shatteredpaw limped to the entrance of the den, careful not to irritate his stomach wounds, that took the slowest to heal. He lifted his nose to drink in the camp's scent. It was about mealtime, and Shatteredpaw had spent most of the day trying to sleep. Cloverfeather had gone to take care of Addereye, who was growing increasingly cranky with sore joints.

He carefully slid down the slope leading to the clearing and stumbled towards the fresh kill. His weak paws tripped, he made a crash into the ground. He let out a groan of pain and disappointment. It was as if he had to learn to navigate as a blind cat all over again. He remained on the ground, feeling exhausted, hungry, and dejected. He'd made a disgraceful mistake, he deserved whatever came his way. He flopped over, carefully soothing his sore pelt with his tongue.

"Shatteredpaw," a quiet voice murmured. Before he could identify the cat he was being nudged up. The cat supported him as he fumbled. He felt like a helpless kit. He tried standing on his own paws, but they only seemed to tremble, his ears began to burn with embarrassment. The cat herded him to a soft nest, placed outside what smelt like the apprentices den. He slumped into the nest and heaved a groan. "Stay here," the cat meowed. He did as he was told, returning to smoothing out his sore pelt. As he drank in the scent his heart began beating faster. It was Copperpaw. He hadn't encountered her since he'd struck her. Did she forgive him or was she still angry? He couldn't decipher her tone.

After a long moment of overwhelming himself with negative possibilities, the she returned with the mouthwatering scent of prey. A sparrow was dropped at his paws. Before he could say anything Copperpaw nestled herself in the nest with him, and began to eat her own piece of prey, a squirrel. Shatteredpaw dug into the sparrow, letting out a grateful purr.

"Welcome back from the dead," she cooed after they finished. Copperpaw unexpectedly began to groom his pelt. It was soothing, and his excelling anxiety died down. He let out a shiver of relief and pressed into her flank. She wasn't angry, or at least she didn't seem angry with him.

"I'm really sorry," he blurted, choking over his words. Sorry wasn't enough to explain how remorseful he really was. 

She stopped her rhythmic licking for a moment as she spoke. "It's okay," she let out. He still could detect her tone as he began to wash his ears. "You look awful," she continued in between licks. "You should take care of yourself."

"Why? After all the trouble I caused? It's my job to take care of others and look how well that's going," he grunted, shoving his snout in his paws shamefully.

"It's part of learning, Shatteredpaw. Everyone makes mistakes. Besides, you lost a lot it a matter of days, and you insisted on dealing with it alone." She meowed with certainty and sternness. As she spoke Shatteredpaw remember how he'd struck her with his own claws. He remembered her beautiful pelt and her deep amber eyes, full of fear. His fur prickled and his stomach twisted. Her words didn't help.

"If I had just been better apprentice none of this would've happened. Violetpaw was right all along," he sniffed, wincing as Copperpaw's tail brushed his flank.

"Shatteredpaw, stop blaming yourself for everything wrong that happens. You can't control everyone," Copperpaw growled. "You're not alone, you know can talk to me. I'll understand, I promise," she sighed her tone softened as she nuzzled her head under his chin. He began to purr as she whispered, "and I'm sorry, I stepped on your tail back there, I didn't mean to."

Shatteredpaw closed his eyes, wanting to stay like this forever. A strange feeling washed over him, that made his stomach churn awkwardly. "I know," he quietly mewed although deep down he knew he couldn't. Copperpaw had been with him the whole time, supporting him and calming him from distress. If she knew who he really was then maybe she wouldn't want him, maybe the whole clan wouldn't. He would have no purpose. 

The two were interrupted by the sound of Hornetpaw's mocking tone. "My my, look what we have here. Two love birds in the making. Ha! Too bad it's forbidden," the apprentice sneered. Shatteredpaw's fur bristled from his neck down to his tail and he stood to his paws.

"Shut your trap!" Shatteredpaw spat. Shatteredpaw may have deserved mocking but Copperpaw certainly did not. He wasn't going to let the clan treat, such a good cat like Copperpaw, horribly.

"What are you gonna do? Kill me?" Hornetpaw taunted. Shatteredpaw froze, his fur flattened, his tail drooped, and his ears pinned back. The whole clan knows what I did.  Shatteredpaw's heart sank as the apprentice stalked away, snorting with satisfaction.

"Don't listen to him, he doesn't know what he's saying," Copperpaw meowed, pressing into his flank. 

"But he does..." he sniffed, pulling from her comforting touch. The whole clan knew he was had killed a cat. What kind of medicine would they think of him.

He left her side, padding back to his den where he was greeted by Cloverfeather. "Good, you're feeling better," his mentor cooed.

"You could say that," he sighed, curling himself in his nest.

"The gathering is nearing, maybe by then, you'll feel good enough to come?" she suggested. 

"Sure," he replied, resting his head on his paws. It was silent, except for the rustling of Cloverfeather digging through herbs. He wrinkled his snout to try and clear his mind. Shatteredpaw close his eyes and drifted to sleep.

His eyes opened to an unfamiliar place. He breathed in the scent but it was stale and smelt of all clans. Where am I? He wondered.

"Four trees," a meow answered. Took in another deep breath, remembering the journey he'd taken through the four trees to the high stones. Shatteredpaw took in the sight for a heartbeat before turning to the sound. In front of him stood three cats, only one of which he recognized.

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