Chapter 18

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"What is it?" Shatteredface meowed. Was something wrong? During the past moons, the she had kept mostly to herself, especially after Hornetpaw's comment about the two of them together. His fur prickled with warmth in her presence but her energy was unsettling. She was a dear friend to him, and he knew he would miss her when he left.

"I've been struggling on how I should tell you this... for a while now," she began. He could feel she was uneasy. He pricked his ears to listen. "I saw you kill that rogue, I was out hunting and I smelt you and I saw how... how you killed him," she finished. His ears pinned and his stomach churned. "And then Violetpaw is dead and you're there-," she was interrupted by his impulsive hiss.

"Are you saying I killed Violetpaw?!" He growled defensively, twitching his tail. Although he did kill her, he didn't want anyone to know, especially not her.

After a long pause she answered. "I am," she meowed. He was taken aback by her certainty. How could she be sure. "You've changed Shatteredface, not in a good way. And I don't blame you, but... I told you that you can talk to me," she meowed. 

"Why would I talk to you? Would you even understand?" He huffed, flicking his tail back a forth. He didn't want to be having this conversation with her. Shatteredface felt guilty for snapping at her, but he was afraid. The clan already treated him as an outsider. He didn't want her to know he killed Violetpaw and potentially lose her friendship.

"That's not the point! I just want to help you. I know you feel like you don't belong but you do," she spouted, matching his frustrated energy.

"How can you be so sure..." he meowed. Thoughts flooded through his head, thoughts he tried keeping down ever since the incident. He really didn't belong. He had deliberately killed two cats, and he was a medicine cat. He resented his clan mates, who most of all didn't even want to be near him anyways. It was only few cats who treated him like he was apart of this clan. Besides, he had a greater destiny.

"Your path lies great young one," the voice of the silver cat ran through his head. 

"Why do you even care? What benefits could I bring you any of you?" He meowed, almost pitifully.

"I care because...because you're special, and you really are great medicine cat."

"What does it even matter, you have Cloverfeather," he tried to object, making him feel all the more guilty.

"Because, Shatteredpaw, I-  we need you. I know there's something bothering you, I know it. So just tell me what's going on!" Copperpaw snapped.

It was silent, he was surprised by her words. She was right, he'd killed Violetpaw and kept many things a secret, and she had known this whole time. He remembered the words he'd been told repeatedly. Follow the path

"Copperpaw, I can't stay here," he stammered, he began to tremble and his heart pounded. Deep down he didn't want to leave, but his path lied outside of ShadowClan and he needed to follow it.

"What do you mean?" She meowed.

"You're right, theres something going on, which means I can't stay here. I mean, my path is greater than ShadowClan. StarClan keeps telling me... I think I need to leave," he let out. His heart was engulf in a feeling he hadn't quite felt yet. He part of him wanted to leave part of him wanted to stay. He had his wonderful mentor, Cloverfeather, and Dovenose and her kits, but there also were the other clan members and even his father who didn't accept him. They all thought he was a curse. 

"I- I don't understand," Copperpaw murmured. "You were given a prophecy and you didn't tell anyone? What if we're all in danger?"

"It's not like that! We're not in danger." He meowed. At least he thought they weren't in danger. He was told the rogue and Violetpaw were both a danger to the clan and they were now dead.

"What about the fox?" She meowed. Shatteredface realized that despite her doubts and suspicions, deep down she didn't think he killed Violetpaw.

"There was no fox, you were right, it was me. That's why I need to leave, Copperpaw, I really don't belong here." He could hear her hard breaths and her sudden panic. "It's part of my destiny. I'm leaving tonight, don't try to stop me," he meowed, trying to convince her and himself it was the right thing.

"Finally," he heard the voice mrrrow.

A very long moment passed as Shatteredface waited for her to answer. He was just about to leave when she finally spoke. "I- I'm coming with you then. Whatever this prophecy is, I want to help," she grunted. Before he could protest she brushed past him. "Besides, you need someone to help you, you're blind remember?" She mewed. Shatteredface realized she had a point, it would be hard as a blind cat. Despite being a fair fighter he knew there would be much trouble, besides what harm would do company, company from a cat who cared for him. A cat he cared for.

After giving it thought, he realized he didn't have a choice. Copperpaw had already forced her way in his journey and she knew his secrets. The two trotted through the forest in silence, the air was cool and it blew through his fur. Copperpaw's fur brushed his own, they stayed close.

"So, what are we doing exactly?" She meowed, breaking the silence. Shatteredface had to take a moment to think, he wasn't even sure where to go from here.

"Well, I'm not sure," he admitted, he could feel his ears burn with embarrassment. "The prophecy said, 'when the rain falls, so with ash, beware the one who walks a dangerous path," he echoed.

"Hmm. Maybe it means there'll be a fire, and whoever walks the dangerous path causes fire and we need to stop them?" He was surprised at her interpretation and even glad he had told her. His mind was full, buzzing with worries and anxiety, he hadn't even thought of trying to interpret the prophecy himself. He was even more embarrassed, so unsure after being a medicine cat.

"Well then who will start the fire?" He wondered. The two stopped at a stream to drink. She didn't answer. Did she think it was him, after all he had killed two cats, whether or not it was the will of StarClan, he had to admit it was heavy on his conscious.

"We need a place to stay, somewhere a patrol won't find us," she meowed. He nodded in agreement though he wasn't sure she saw him. As he breathed in the air everything grew silent. He couldn't believe what he was smelling. It was Fallenkit and Driftkit! What we're they doing out here?!

"What is it?" Copperpaw meowed. A moment later she gasped.

"We know you're there," Shatteredface huffed. He heard the two kits seep through their hiding place in a bush.

"We want to come," it was Driftkit, he sounded determined, like he was set on his decision. 

"You can't, it's dangerous, you haven't even started training," Copperpaw pointed out.

"And you are not warriors," Driftkit meowed firmly. Shatteredface was surprised by his grim attitude.

"At least we have battle training and experience out here," Shatteredpaw hissed, narrowing his eyes menacingly so that maybe it'd scare them off.

"Yeah? Well you're blind," Driftkit retorted. Shatteredface blinked in surprise.

"And you're just a-," before he could finished Copperpaw interrupted.

"What about Dovenose, she'll be upset you left," Copperpaw mewed.

"She's great and all, but Shatteredface, you're our only family," Fallenkit meowed pleadingly. 

"What about Darkstar?"

"He couldn't care less!" Driftkit hissed in the place of his sister. "He won't even look at us. He blames me and Driftkit for our real mother dying!" Shatteredface felt sympathy or them. He hadn't realized they had felt similar troubles as him too. He felt Copperpaw's tail brush his flank. "The clan doesn't need us. You said it yourself, there's no fox, they'll be fine and so will we," Shatteredface shrank. His siblings had heard him and Copperpaw arguing. They were both headstrong and determined to leave with him.

"Please," Fallenkit pleaded. "You can even train us on the way. It'll be super cool."

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