Chapter 6

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Shatteredpaw was now in the den. Cloverfeather had given Greykit the catmint and the little kit had seemed to have gotten better. Saptoes gently nosed him to his nest. Shatteredpaw slumped down, feeling weaker than ever.

"What happened to him?" Violetpaw asked. Her tone seemed to have but a sliver of concern in it. Shatteredpaw wanted to answer but he throat had swelled and frankly she didn't deserve an answer. He wanted to tell Saptoes about his temporary sight but he couldn't, and maybe he shouldn't.

"A rogue attacked him, Violetpaw," Saptoes answered. "Just sit back now, we don't have time for your snippy remarks," he growled. His sister was silent.

"Had a rogue by chance, attacked you?" Cloverfeather began asking Violetpaw.

"No," his sister responded. Shatteredpaw then felt Cloverfeather's warm tongue cleaning at his wounds.

"You shouldn't have gone out like that," Cloverfeather meowed in between licks. Shatteredpaw said nothing, too pained and shocked to answer. He had only wanted to help.

Saptoes gave him a mixture of poppy and juniper berries to eat, which soothes his throat and the pain. He was still as Saptoes tended to his wounds. The poultice at first stung but began to sooth. After the tension had died down and Shatteredpaw's wounds were taken care of it was about mealtime. Everything seemed quiet, even Violetpaw. 

"Saptoes, I want to learn to fight, like the other apprentices," Shatteredpaw croaked. 

"Shatteredpaw, you shouldn't have gone out," Saptoes objected.

"I was trying to do what I was taught. I could've defended myself better, if I knew how to fight like a warrior. Being blind doesn't make me helpless enough not to fight," Shatteredpaw snapped. His frustration grew. He thought of how the silver cat granted him sight. If he could see when there was danger it would be even easier to defend himself.

Saptoes heaved a heavy sigh. "Maybe," he mentor meowed.

As Shatteredpaw was about to drift into a sleep, he heard paw steps approaching. As the cat spoke he recognized it was Darkstar. "Shatteredpaw, how are you doing?" The tom meowed.

"Fine," Shatteredpaw grunted. He heard Saptoes step in. 

"He needs to rest," he mentor meowed, almost challengingly. 

"I just came in to check on him, that's all," Darkstar protested, his tone was calm but Shatteredpaw could feel tension between them. Then you should've done so along time ago," Saptoes meowed, his voice lowering into a growl. Darkstar gave let out a scoff and padded away.

"What was that?" Shatteredpaw meowed. The two toms seemed to have history to talk to each other like that.

"You need rest," Saptoes meowed, his bitter tone softened. 

*                   *                  *

It was a few days after Shatteredpaw had been attacked. Greykit had recovered, Violetpaw's leg was healing quite nicely, and Shatteredpaw had new found energy. Cloverfeather sat beside him in his nest, washing him as if she were his mother. Shatteredpaw protested but he had to admit, it soothed him. As a kit he never had much affection, being taken from the nursery so soon. 

He heard Saptoes muttering to himself as he sorted herbs. To his surprise he smelt Willowfur approaching with careful steps. Shatteredpaw lifted his head and Cloverfeather stopped her licks. 

"Willowfur, what are you doing here?" Cloverfeather spoke. He could hear Willow'Fur settled inside the den before answering.

Reluctance in her tone she spoke, "I... I think I'm expecting kits," Willowfur replied.

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