The Slave and The Slave Master, an Introduction

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Ricky P.O.V

I don't remember much of my life before this filthy cage I now call home. Just a dark street, a stinking rag to my face, and forceful hands dragging me away as I lost consciousness. If I concentrate really hard I can see flashes of what I presume to have been my old life. A dingy little flat, a classroom full of kids laughing at me, a foot colliding with my ribs. I have mostly stopped doing this though, as the memories cause migranes that incapacitate me for hours. One of the other captives told me this was because of an amnesia inducing drug we had all been given, supposedly to make us behave better. I guess you can't miss free will if you don't remember ever having had it. They needn't have bothered with me though, I'm too frightened to disobey. I've seen what happens to those that do, and it's not pretty.

They've had me here a few months now. Others get taken away and sold each week, to be replaced with freshly kidnapped people, or those that have been traded in from unsatisfied masters. There must be hundreds of us here, all awaiting the time when we are deemed suitable to be sold. They seem to know in what state we'll fetch the most money. The guy that used to be in the cage next to me told me they were probably trying to make me thinner, seeing as how I'm naturally so slight anyway. It would explain why I'm almost never fed. I can see literally every rib jutting out unhealthily now. Maybe that means it'll be my turn soon.

Chris P.O.V

I guess you could say I'm feeling a little stuck in a rut. Life has become boring, and none of my purchases had done much to liven it up. A couple of fucks and I would grow tired of them. Some I chose to drain their blood dry, others that looked less appetising I would pass on to my old friend Kuza. I think he likes to experiment on them. If you havn't guessed yet I'm a vampire. Quite a dominant one as well, I like to be in control of everything around me. That's what first drew me to buying slaves, but I'm not sure buying another is really going to improve my mood now. They've all proved so useless and annoying in the past, only ever being good for their blood in the end.

I made a booty call to my friend Ash earlier. She refuses to let us be an item, but doesn't seem to mind a romp in the sheets once in a while. The sex was great as always, she's got a body to die for and doesn't mind my kinky shit. But afterwards she sat me down for some kind of help session, apparently I hadn't hidden my bad mood as well as I had thought. She ended up suggesting an auction house I didn't visit very often, saying they were having a sale in 3 days' time. I pointed out to her that it was a predominately male slave house, to which she responded, 'so? You used to fuck Kuza', and I didn't really have a response to that. So I've agreed to go. She also told me not to concentrate on the fit ones too much, but to try and look for a connection with someone. A connection with a slave? Is she mad? Oh well, here goes...

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