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Chris POV

Richard stumbled sleepily after Vinny to go set our entertainment free. It had been a shame to wake him up really, I had been enjoying seeing him that relaxed. There was a sense of pride about it. But the others had been starting to get amped up about the hunt, so I'd had to concede.

"So is he a pet then?" Ever curious, Kuza.

"I've been thinking about it... I wasn't sure how well he'd cope." Richard was perfect pet material really, except for the anxiety.

"He just fell asleep on you, he'll be fine"

I smiled to myself, it would be great if I could free him up from cleaning... "I'd have to get another slave if he was though."

Kuza grinned at me, "I've got plenty if you want one." He glanced at the door then stood up "Come on then, it won't take them long to set our prey free."

We all walked through into my office and stood with the patio doors open, watching the kitchen door, ready to start the countdown. After a few minutes the door opened, letting light out into the garden, and there was a murmur of talking. We heard a "Three, two, one" and seconds later one of the men dashed through the door, pausing as soon as he was outside to wait for the other. The second guy ran out and they both scrambled off into the darkness. Angelo started the stopwatch.

Suddenly a scream ripped through the night. I ran outside in confusion and realised it was coming from the kitchen.

"...Shit! Mr Motionless!" I heard Vinny shouting

Fuck. That meant it was Richard screaming. If those fuckers had done anything to that sweet boy... The wind blew, and the smell of blood hit me like a train, this was going to be bad.

"Ash! I need you." She came to me, leaving Ange and Kuza stood in the doorway, "Go catch them, and I want them alive" I snarled.

We ran to the kitchen, finding Richard on the floor near the door with the handle of one of my meat knives sticking out of his side. Vinny was leant over him in a state of panic, talking to him and trying to stop the bleeding without much success. The screaming had stopped, now replaced by heart breaking whimpers as Richard struggled to remain conscious.

I pushed Vinny aside and took his place, shrugging my jacket off and chucking it across the room. I cradled Richards head, trying to comfort him.

"I'm here Richard, you're going to be alright I promise." His eyes weren't focusing on anything and I had no idea if he could hear me. Ashley had kneeled down across from me, bunching her long skirt up behind her to keep it out the way. "Tell me what to do Ash"

She handed me a dish cloth that had been hanging on a drawer, "Wrap that around the knife and apply pressure to slow the bleeding. Do you still have any of those med kits I used to leave around?"

"Somewhere... Vinny, try that cupboard behind you. You're looking for a little green bag." I tried my best not to move the knife and applied pressure as instructed. Blood started to seep through my fingers and the smell was intoxicating. I wanted so badly to drink it but I had to focus, my pet needed me right now.

Ashley gently put her hands either side of mine and closed her eyes, concentrating, figuring out how much damage the knife had done. The only sound was of Vinny rummaging through the cupboard. Richard had passed out now, and I was kind of thankful for it. I didn't want him in pain.

"Got it!" Vinny backed out of the cupboard, med kit in hand, just as Ashley removed her hands with a sigh. He handed it to her and she wiped her hands before starting to pull out the things she thought she would need.

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