First Steps

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AN - Slight non consentual touching at the end. I wouldn't consider it smut

Chris P.O.V

I checked on Richard again the following day. I don't think he had been awake long but he was already back to sewing. It was a pointless task I had given him to keep him busy, I was never actually going to have him sew anything real. I took my time about replacing the water, this time giving him a straw, and fetching another packet of crackers. I knew he was only one sock away from having to mend my boxers and I wanted to see his reaction. After a little lingering that I passed off as observation he had to take the plunge and I silently delighted in his outrageous blushing. He looked up at one point and I smiled as sweetly as I could, gesturing for him to continue his work. How did a pervert like me end up owning something so innocent?

We fell into a routine like this. I would visit in the early afternoon and set a task for the day, usually something completely pointless but I kept him thinking that it was some form of training. Then I would give him food and water, have him stand up, and measure his hips and waist. Something about me being close to him always seemed to make him space out. It was quite flattering really, but had the unfortunate effect of switching on the more sexual parts of my personality. Of course I had nothing against these moments. I enjoyed roaming my hands over his soft skin, breathing lightly onto his neck to provoke a reaction, but the poor thing would hyperventilate and lose his balance.

His progress was slower than I had first anticipated, but by the end of the week he could stand without holding onto the bedside table. Walking took a while longer, and involved a lot of him falling over in a heap on the floor. He was soon covered in bruises, but he kept trying until he could finally walk to the end of the room and back without having to lean on the wall. I had owned him nearly a month by this time. His back had healed with only faint scarring thanks to Ash's healing ointment and he was a far better weight.

When I entered his room the day after the successful walk he was awake and sat up, clearly finished with the task he had been given yesterday. For once it was actually a useful one. I had had him learn all the recipes for my favourite foods. Yes vampires eat normal food too.

"No task today Richard. Now that you're up and about you can get to some of the real jobs upstairs." I approached his bed and laid out boxers, a pair of pants, and a shirt. "According to yesterday's measurements these should fit you, though you're only just out of children's sizes even now." I looked at his ribs, still visible under his newly gained thin layer of fat, "I guess there is still a bit of progress to be made with your weight, but it'll suffice for now. I'll be in the kitchen when you're ready"

I left him to change, knowing how shy he was, despite having spent a month in a pair of boxer shorts that were so loose I was unsure how they had never slipped. Though there had been a few glorious moments when his ass became visible while he was attempting to walk. Even with him being so emaciated, it was a really nice ass. I was sort of tempted to have him keep gaining weight to see how shapely I could make it. Told you I was a perv.

A few minutes later he stumbled up the stairs, apparently not quite as confident with them as he had been with flat ground. The clothes seemed to fit quite well, although, being a children's size, the pant legs and shirt sleeves were a little short. I greeted him and beckoned him over to the table in the middle of the room.

"Right, your first real day. Firstly you are going to learn how to make porridge. This is your new diet, one bowl in the morning and another at night. And while that's cooking you can take a second to learn your way around the coffee machine, I'm dying for a cup. I should still have some spiced pumpkin pouches around there somewhere"

He nodded his understanding and I watched as he fumbled his way around the kitchen, pointing out which cupboard he should be looking in when he seemed lost. Soon there was a steaming mug of pumpkin spiced latte in front of me and he was determinedly stirring his breakfast, which was sticking to the bottom of the pan. "You know, if you have it on a lower heat, it burns less" I offered once he looked worn out. He gave me the sassiest look and I couldn't help but laugh. I should have punished him for it, but that shit was too funny. Especially coming from my meek little Richard.

Once he had consumed an entire bowl of slightly burnt porridge I led him upstairs and towards my room. "This is your new morning routine. At 6am on the dot you will arrive at my bedroom with a cup of coffee and the days post. Always knock before you enter, it is not always the kind of place you would want to barge into unannounced."

By now we had reached my room and I ushered him in and towards my private bathroom. "Today is unusual however, in that you are going to have a shower. If you are going to work in the house of Motionless, you must look the part, and there are a few too many months of grime worked into your skin to be able to get away with a wash in the servants sink." I handed a shocked looking Richard a towel. "You get 10 minutes, not a second more. DO NOT use my expensive products. Hot water and a good scrub will do just fine... off you go then" I patted him on the bum to get him moving, causing him to jump and squeak. I swear, his nervous reactions will never get old.

When his 10 minutes were up I walked into the bathroom to make sure he wasn't sneaking an extra couple seconds of luxury, only to be met with his naked form as he attempted to dry his hair. As soon as he realised I was there he moved to try and cover himself up, but it was too late. I had seen it all and sex Chris was back with a vengeance.

A predatory smile made its way onto my face as I approached him, his heart already going a hundred miles a minute as I ran an eager hand over his chest. That same hand found its way to his neck as my other started roaming his side. He tried to control his breathing but it was speeding up anyway. I found it amusing. I started pushing him backwards and there was a sharp intake of breath as his back came into contact with the cold wall. I couldn't help smirking as I leant into his neck, speaking in a low husky voice, "Your body is mine Richard." He whimpered but made no move to try and free himself. "Such a good boy for your master." My lips ghosted over his neck and the hyperventilation began in earnest.

I should have stopped, but sex Chris gave no shits. My hand tangled in his hair and pulled his head a little to the side as I ran my tongue up his neck, tasting his sweet salty skin. More frightened whimpers tumbled from his mouth and I drank them all up, allowing my free hand to wander to that perfect ass of his. My perfect submissive little slave.

Suddenly his erratic breathing stopped and his body went limp in my arms. He had fainted. Well, shit. I pulled back and looked at him, naked and helpless in my hold, and cursed myself. I had the self-control of a rabid dog and needed to get a hold of myself. He was so innocent, and I would have probably fucked him against this wall if I had carried on.

Sighing to myself I laid him down on the bathmat and started clothing him before I could lose my cool again. He came to just as I had pulled his shirt over his shoulders.

"M-master?" He was bleary eyed and seemed confused by his surroundings

"Ssh, it's ok. You fainted but you're ok now... I'm sorry. I shouldn't push you like that." I stood up and pushed a hand through my hair, sighing. "It's just kind of who I am... but I should have better control, you're not ready for things like that." I looked round and found a comb. "Here, your task for the rest of the day. Get those knots out of your hair." I tried to smile at him, and he nodded a little as he took the comb but still seemed shaken as he retreated to his room.

I left him alone for the rest of the day. Normally I wouldn't have cared, but I liked Richard. He was a good slave and I didn't want him broken.

Later that night I went to the kitchen to grab a bloodbag and heard an odd sniffling coming from the staircase to the servant's quarters. As I got closer I realised it was the sound of crying, it actually knocked me back a bit. This was my fault and it made me feel like an absolute dick. I would have to get myself under control and try to find a way to reassure him.

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