Old Friends and Party Games

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Ricky POV

Somehow I managed to get all the cleaning done in time, and was able to spend Friday afternoon helping Master prepare for his guests. The fridge was stocked with blood wine, not actually alcoholic apparently, and I'd become vaguely competent at cooking a steak. Masters examples were still better, but I guess I would learn.

When it got closer to the time for his guests to arrive he disappeared to change, handing me a new uniform before he left. It was slightly smarter than my usual one, though still nothing near the quality of something Master would wear. It also included a waistcoat. I had a quick wash and got changed in my room. The clothes were a little baggy so I guess he'd given me a size up from the ones I was wearing earlier, but at least they were the right length for my arms and legs now.

I was trying to get my hair to behave when I heard the old fashioned chime of the doorbell, and hurried upstairs just in time to see Master welcoming a woman into his home. She was very pretty, with half red, half black hair, and dark theatrical makeup. He hugged her before stepping aside to let her into the house.

She looked around the hallway for a moment while he shut the door. "It hasn't changed a bit... do you ever decorate?" She asked as he joined her, resting an arm on her waist.

"Eh... It never seems worth it. Its not like it looks bad... does it?" He vaguely glanced at the walls before looking at her for her answer.

"Chris, these walls haven't been painted in 50 years" She tried to chide him.

"Yeah, but that's girl stuff, isn't it?" He looked around again and spotted me nervously stood in the dining room entrance, "Ah, Richard! How's the new uniform?" He walked over to me, seeming glad of the distraction from his guests questioning.

"Umm... it's a little big Master" I mumbled in a tiny voice, the confidence I had gained over the time I'd been here suddenly lost in the presence of someone new.

"I thought it might be, but that was the smallest I could find that would be the right length" He turned to face his guest, placing a hand on my shoulder, "Ashley, this is tonight's butler in training, Richard. Richard, this is an old and dear friend, Ashley Costello. Though of course you will refer to her as Miss Costello or Miss."

For a second I had no idea what the appropriate response was, but in fear of giving a bad impression I quickly settled for "Pleased to meet you", which unfortunately came out as a nervous squeak, and an awkward bow. I could feel the embarrassment painting my cheeks red as I waited for her response.

Luckily she didn't seem to mind my inability to function properly, instead smiling widely and exclaiming "Oh my god Chris, he's so cute! Can I pet him? And hug him? And squish his cheeks around like an annoying grandma?" She was excitable to say the least.

Whether he felt me tense, or if it was his own natural reaction I don't know, but Master quickly saved me.

"Maybe not today Ash... he struggles a lot with anxiety." Her face fell into a little pout. "But I am glad you've gotten here early. I'm a bit worried about having him around Kuza and Ange. You're a good first guest for him to practice on, do you mind?"

She smiled again, apparently almost perpetually happy, "Sure, what d'ya need me to do?"

Master led us through to the lounge and I spent some time getting more used to how I should be behaving around people, serving them drinks and trying not to stutter or squeak when I spoke.

After about 20 minutes of walking around my pants were starting to slip. Master noticed and frowned a little, "I'm going to have to find you a belt, I'll be back in a sec." As he left the room I heard him mutter "Kuza cannot be trusted around a cute slave with half his butt on show."

Yes Master (Chris x Ricky)Where stories live. Discover now