Stuck in bed... Again

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The week since the party had been terrible. I was stuck in bed AGAIN, with Master refusing to let me do anything. He had been looking after me and giving me treats, which just seemed plain wrong. Vinny had been left behind to do my chores, which I got the impression he was terrible at (I couldn't even get him to wake up on time) though it seemed Master was too preoccupied to bother correcting him. Every day the wound got worse, and Master would always try and reassure me that it was fine, my immune system would beat it soon. I wished it would hurry up.

When Master woke me on Thursday everything was more painful than it had been before. The wound looked awful and when Master pushed on it a trickle of pus came out. I was fairly sure that wasn't good, and Master seemed to agree, leaving immediately to call Ashley.

The wound was still uncovered and I couldn't help poking at it some more, despite the pain. There was a kind of morbid fascination with it, possibly driven by the fact that my morning pills were just starting to kick in; they had a habit of fogging my head up and making me act pretty weird.

Master came back a little while later. He looked worried, though I couldn't fathom why, I had already outlived all his previous slaves if rumours were to be believed. He saw the extra pus that I'd poked out and questioned me, to which I just shrugged and poked it again, giggling when another bit of pus came out. Yup, the pills were definitely doing their thing.

I heard him sigh before he restrained my hand, stopping me from doing it again. I'm sure this was a good idea, but at the time it just made me grumpy, as my new game had just been ruined. I pouted and he rolled his eyes, sitting down on the next bed along with my wrist still in his hand. He mopped up the extra mess I'd just made before sticking the old dressing back on, probably just to keep me safe from myself.

"Can I trust you to leave that alone now?" He questioned, still holding my wrist.

I looked at him and nodded sadly, what was I supposed to do for fun now? He let go of my wrist and watched carefully as I put it back on top of the blanket.

"Good. Ashley will be here in a couple of hours to fix you up, please don't mess with it again." He stood up and straightened my blanket before leaving. I looked around the room, trying to think of something to occupy my time, before settling with the same option as I had the rest of the week: more sleep.

I woke up when Master returned a while later, I think he was talking to Ashley but by the time my brain started functioning all I grasped was the end of his sentence "... I'll see you up there in a minute." I heard her leave and when I opened my eyes Master was stood next to me. My bandage was off again so I assumed Ashley had been inspecting it.

"There's an operating table upstairs that Ash wants to use for this, is that okay?" He questioned, leaning down and stroking my hair.

"I guess..." Why would he have an operating table?

He stopped stroking my hair and gently picked me up. I winced a little but the pills were still mostly working. He carried me through the house and down to the end of the hallway his bedroom was on, to the door that was always locked. Except now it wasn't.

He nudged it open with his foot, and I understood why I had never been allowed in here. Chains and shackles hung from hooks, there was a wall lined with just about every sharp implement possible. The floor was tiled and sloped ever-so-slightly towards a drain in the centre. He had a torture chamber. I thought of all the people that probably died in here and couldn't help grabbing Masters shirt in fear.

I was placed on the table where Ashley was setting out bags of herbs. She looked up, noticing my death-grip on Masters shirt, and smiled at me, placing her hands over mine as my eyes flicked from her to the wall of torture.

"Don't look at the knives hunny. We're not using them on you, I promise. Just concentrate on me or Chris, you're going to be fine"

I didn't have any real reason to trust her, she was a vampire like Master afterall, but neither of them had ever hurt me before, so I eventually let her prymy hands away from him. As soon as he was free he moved to stand behind me, gently pulling on my shoulders to make me lie down. Ashley put a mixture of things into a bowl, and when she seemed satisfied she set fire to it. The bowl was placed next to my head and the smoke wafted across my face.

Within seconds my head was swimming, the room was distorting, and I couldn't decide whether to throw up or pass out. Then, just as quickly as it came, it went... but I felt different. It was like I was far away from everything and time was working wrong, but I could see that I was still on the table. Fingers clicked in front of my face and my attention slowly made its way to Ashley.

"Everything okay?" Her voice was deeper than it had been just a minute ago. I saw her pinch a bit of skin, "Can you feel that?"

I couldn't remember how to speak so I shook my head 'no', although a more accurate description would have been 'yes, but in an I'm-half-a-dimension-away-and-it-didn't-actually-hurt kind of way'.

She smiled in response and started pulling more things out of her bag. I looked up at Master but could only see his neck and the underside of his chin as he was standing over me. It was a weird perspective.

I was trying to work out what the writing on his neck tattoo said when I felt a weird pressure on my side and looked back down to see Ashley cutting the stitches open with a scalpel. Blood and pus flowed slowly down to the table as the scab and stitches were removed. When it was opened up she pushed along my skin towards the wound, flushing out more of the revolting looking stuff. It must've smelt bad because she wrinkled up her nose.

When the pus finally stopped draining she picked up another little tool. "I'll have to scrape out the infected tissue, behave yourself Chris." I felt a little sting this time as she scraped tiny bits of left over pus out along with thin layers of tissue and the wound began bleeding.

I felt Masters hands tense on my shoulders and looked up at him. He was looking determinedly away from the wound and it dawned on me that the blood probably looked really tempting to him. With a lot of effort I lifted a hand to his, causing him to look down at me. He tried to smile, but there was red mixing with the usual honey colour of his eyes and he looked uncomfortable.

The stinging stopped and I glanced down to see her inspecting her work. She smiled in satisfaction and picked up a syringe, injecting something directly into the wound before placing her hands over it and shutting her eyes. My skin felt like it was moving involuntarily beneath her hands and an odd heat started to spread from inside the wound. Eventually it started to burn and I tried to wriggle away, only to be held still by Master.

"It'll be over soon, I promise." He kissed my forehead as he tried to comfort me.

Eventually she lifted her hands and the burning ebbed away. When I dared to look back down I was amazed to see my skin had sealed back together, leaving behind a thin red scar. I tried to move to touch it but my body felt like lead.

"You should take him back to his bed, he'll need to sleep off the trance before he can function again." I heard Ashley say in her new deep voice.

I was picked up, and things seemed to blur as we left the room. My head span as we moved and time seemed to warp until I eventually found myself being tucked back into my bed. All this unexplained weirdness was exhausting, and it didn't take me long to fall asleep.


So I'm anemic now, my house may or may not be half rotten, and I should be writing an essay... So guess who's updating her woefully neglected wattpad? Procrastination is a helluva drug.

So Ricky's finally fixed, yay! Now he can be a perfect little pet... maybe

Also sorry if any of this is crap... it's just gone 5am, shit might not make sense.

Votes and comments are hella nice! My brain is buzzing slightly... (maybe I should sleep??)

Love you guys!

Peace <3

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