Candles and Trays

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Ricky POV

I passed Jess on my way through the kitchen and, remembering what Master had said, made sure to smile at her. The glare she gave sent me in return spoke volumes, and I knew that Master had been telling the truth. She wanted to see me fail.

Back in the safety of my room I retrieved the makeup from my pillowcase, trying to remember what order it went on in. I must've known what I was doing at some point in my past because I was wearing this sort of stuff when I was captured, but thanks to the amnesia I was now almost completely clueless. The eye pencil was the worst, my hand kept wobbling and I poked my eyeball multiple times, making my eyes water and smear what I'd already managed to do. Well... Master did say he'd clean up my mistakes.

After several attempts I had to face the fact it wasn't going to get much better. At least I was fairly confident I'd used the things in the right order. That had to count for something right? I stashed the makeup away and went back upstairs, keeping a careful watch for Jessica on my way to the study.

Master was once again pouring over paperwork; I guess there was only so long he could ignore it for. He looked up when I closed the door, stepping away from his desk once I was stood still in the middle of the room. He circled me almost predatorily, pausing in front of me to see how badly I'd fucked up the makeup. A hand unexpectedly made contact with my hip and I jumped, though managed to relax a little once I realised he wasn't really doing anything, sort of just massaging the curve. It felt... odd.

He smiled, pulling his hand away, "You know, you've made a lot more progress than I'd realised. Not enough to be giving me your key..." I wanted so badly to hang my head in shame "... but it's progress none-the-less. Having said that, my earlier behaviour was a lesson, not a punishment, meaning you are still in need of something to cement the lesson into your head."

I tensed as he circled me again, turning thoughts over in his head. I still had to get through a punishment? I guess I deserved it though, trusting the words of a cleaner over those of my Master. Please don't let it hurt too bad.

"To be honest with you, I've been in a bad mood since Jessica arrived, and could really do with some violence right about now..." This was it, I was going to die, good night world, I hardly knew thee "...but that would be unfair, it's not you that put me in this funk. Besides, we'd lose all that wonderful progress you've made. So you've lucked out, I can't even remember the last time I used a punishment that didn't cause pain."

He walked somewhere behind me, making a little noise as he picked things up. I was so giddy with relief that I didn't hear him until he was standing right behind me. Something heavy was balanced on top of my head.

"Good posture Ricky, you don't want it to fall"

I carefully straightened my back as best as I could while he put something else on top of the first object, standing back when he was satisfied.

"What you are currently holding is a tray with lead weights and a candle holder. They must remain on your head from now until I remove them when I see fit. Doesn't sound too bad does it? Except the tray is highly polished and will move easily, the weights will make your neck stiff, and if you move but by luck manage to save the tray, the candle will still fall. This is your 'get out of jail free' card, if you fuck this up the next one will hurt."

I almost nodded in response but stopped just in time, speaking instead "Y-yes Master." Really, I couldn't believe my luck. Sure this sucked, but I'd seen his temper tantrums, he wasn't usually one to let people take the easy route... unless they were me. I still didn't really understand that one.

Yes Master (Chris x Ricky)Where stories live. Discover now