Sex Addict

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Discliamer: I have nothing against Jessica, I know basically nothing about her. I just needed someone for the role and didn't want Chris beating up a member of the band.

Chris POV

I woke up in a bad mood. The previous day had been a disaster; my best friend had lumbered me with a sassy whore that did nothing but anger me, I'd abused Ricky, and worst of all, half way to Ash's, I'd realised Kuza was right. Sex had become an addiction. When I couldn't cope, I literally fucked the pain away.

I never made it to Ashley, to my 'therapy', I wasn't going to give in like that. I detested the thought of something being able to control me. Anger wasn't something that just naturally dissipated from me like it does from other people though, hence the bad mood. Until I found a different way to let off steam, I was going to be a ticking time bomb.

I was dressed by the time Jessica made it to my room. Unluckily for her she was about 3 minutes late. A couple of slaps later I felt a little better, with Jessica petulantly glaring at the floor, trying not to look weak in front of me. Thank god she'd stopped speaking; I'd had just about enough of her sexual offers. Funny thing was, before I bought Ricky I'd have probably been accepting them, if only to shut her up. This was the kind of whore I used to buy by the dozen. Fuck the pain away... was I really such a mess?

"Will that be all, Sir?"

God I just wanted to throttle her, but then Ricky would have to clean. I used to have servants and maids, long ago when the Coven still existed. Seemed like a waste to keep them on though, this is not the busy household it used to be.

"That's Master to you, and seeing as you're being so delightful this morning, you can go wax the floors. Take your shoes off first or you'll make grooves in it."

Waxing the floors was the worst job. It was tiring, hurt your knees, and gave you a backache that lasted for days. She glared at me before clacking out of my room with those ridiculous heels. I'd replaced the slutty dress with a shirt and knee-length skirt that she hated, but didn't have any suitable shoes for her.

I drank my coffee and looked though the post, becoming distracted by a letter with a postmark from California. Who did I know down there? Oh well, I had things to be getting on with, the letter could wait for later. After a fresh application of makeup, I decided it was time to check on my pet.

I found him on his bed, sat on his knees with his hands behind his back and head down. I smiled to myself, he was learning quickly.

"Eyes up"

He pulled his head up and looked straight ahead at the wall. His eyes narrowed for a second and he fought not to grimace. I knew his side was still troubling him. He did his best to hide it, but not much gets past me. Besides, it had only been a matter of days since it was healed, he had at least another couple weeks of this to go. His expression finally became neutral again.

"Good boy. How long have you been up?"

"Since Jessica was getting up, Master." He didn't look at me, like he might've slipped into doing a few days ago. Why couldn't they all be this simple to train? I missed his eyes though, so pretty and innocent, as well as the flustered behaviour whenever I caught him looking at me. It was just too cute.

"Have you been sat like this ever since?" It'd been about 2 hours, that was a long time to sit still on your knees.

"I washed first Master. I'm sorry, I think I've smudged the makeup you gave me."

Yes Master (Chris x Ricky)Where stories live. Discover now