You're a Pet Now

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Chris POV

It was the middle of the next day by the time Richard finally came round from Ashley's trance. Vinny tried and failed to silently convey this information to me while I was on the phone to Kuza. In the end I was forced to pause our conversation and tell Vinny to use actual words, slightly annoyed at the boys antics by this point. All he said in response was "he's awake" before making a tiny bow and hurrying out the door in case I scolded him.

"... Sorry Kuza... Look, I don't really mind which one, you choose. I've gotta go." I rather unceremoniously hung up on him, though it's doubtful he would care, and headed to Richards room.

Richard was sat up in bed when I got there, inquisitively looking at his newest scar. He glanced up when I entered the room before returning his attention to his side, running his thumb over the scar. "I thought that operation had been a dream, but it's really fixed isn't it?"

I smiled at him, crossing the room to sit on the next bed along. "That's the hope, it's certainly looking good. Do you feel able to get up?"

His face lit up and he nodded, already pushing back the blanket to free his legs and starting to climb out of bed. He frowned as he straightened up, then winced and held his side.

"Everything alright?"

He tried to nod, eyes screwed shut in discomfort. After a few deep breaths he opened them and let go of his side. "Yes Master, I just... why does it still hurt?"

I sighed and stood up, "We sort of expected this might happen..." I gently ran a hand over the scar as I inspected it. I'm not as good at this sort of thing as Ashley but I could at least tell the tissue was healthy. "Don't worry, it's doing fine. It's just that human bodies don't seem to understand magic, it's having a hard time working out why there's no longer a giant hole there. You're probably going to have these phantom pains for a while."

He chewed on his lip for a moment, processing my words, then frowned down at the scar, "I can still work though, can't I Master? I don't like being in bed"

I couldn't help chuckling at him "Yes, you can, but I really don't mind if you have to go slow for a while. Have a wash and put on some clean clothes. I'll be in the lounge when you're ready." I left the room and went back to my work, carrying on from where Kuza had called me.

Ricky POV

I got dressed carefully, the occasional pain shooting up my side. Stupid human body, why couldn't it just accept that Ashley fixed it? I saw her do it! I may've been tripping balls, but I remember it all the same... stupid human body.

When I got to doing my trousers up I realised I'd gotten bigger again, there was no way I needed a belt for them now. Turns out, a week of sleeping and being spoilt with various foods makes you fatter... who knew? I'd given up protesting the treats in the end, it never made a difference anyway, but I hoped they would stop now I was better. I probably sound crazy, but it just felt wrong to get special treatment, and I was always wondering if it was building up to some kind of debt or if he might punish me for accepting things I shouldn't.

Finally ready, I wondered upstairs. Last night's dishes were still in the sink, along with Masters coffee cup. Honestly, the sooner I was back in charge of the cleaning the better. Vinny was clearly hopeless. Also absent, I couldn't see or hear him anywhere on the ground floor. The fuck was he up to?

I finally made it to the lounge, having had to pause a couple of times to let waves of pain pass. Master was in his favourite armchair, reading through a stack of papers. I'd never found out what he did for a living, but it seemed to consist largely of reading and signing things, then getting stressed and shouting at people on the phone. He set them aside when he heard me enter, looking at me sympathetically as I clutched my side again for a second.

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