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Ricky P.O.V

It was just starting to get light when I woke up. It hadn't exactly been the best night's sleep, I had spent most of it worrying about my masters intentions for my body. I had always thought such a thing would have been a grin and bear it situation, but things had complicated that.

Firstly there was the fact my master was hot, there was no point in lying to myself about that. Not that that made my situation any better, if anything it made my anxieties act up more. It also didn't mean I was any happier about his advances, just because he looks good doesn't mean I want... that.

But that wasn't what worried me. What worried me was how badly I reacted each time, continually denying him what he had every right to do. I was his after all. But I was useless, I hyperventilated, got dizzy, and now I've even fainted. So while I'm a little glad that somehow nothing has happened, I'm scared about his reactions if I can't find a way to get a grip on myself next time. I don't want to make him angry.

It was no use worrying about it right now though, Master would be expecting his coffee soon and being late on my first real day seemed like a bad plan. I checked the time and was relieved to see it was still early enough to make use of the servants sink. Last night's dried tears didn't exactly feel like a great look. I splashed some freezing water onto my face then quickly brushed my hair and straightened out my shirt. There wasn't a mirror so I would just have to hope I didn't look like shit. Back upstairs I got the post from the back door and put it on a tray before setting the coffee machine going.

It wasn't long before everything was ready and I was carefully carrying it up to Master's room. I knocked tentatively and waited for a response, only to be surprised when the door was fairly swiftly pulled open. Master smiled when he saw me, and beckoned me inside, telling me to set the tray on his dresser. He was fully dressed already, which worried me a bit, but I didn't think I was late.

He went through his mail while I just stood there, waiting for further instruction.

"Junk... junk... more junk..." he tossed each letter back to the dresser unopened as he examined them "hmm... handwritten. Wonder what that's about." He chucked that one across the room to his bed, to be read later I assume, "and a bill... delightful." That one ended up on the junk pile.

"Now then..." his attention turned to me and I shuffled awkwardly as he inspected my appearance.

"I'm impressed Richard, a 10 minute shower and a comb has got you looking like a new man... though I have to admit I miss the panda eyes a little" He smiled and beckoned me towards him.

I mumbled a 'thank you' and complied, walking forward slowly and feeling nervous. His demeanour hadn't changed yet, he wasn't being sexual, but he probably would. Suddenly everything I had been worrying about the night before was real again and I was trying not to freak out. I was instructing myself in my head, 'Just do what he wants. Whatever he wants. You're not important. What you want doesn't matter, he owns you. For gods sake just DON'T FAINT.'

I stopped in front of him, my gaze on the floor in front of my feet as I continued to silently freak out. Eventually I managed to speak, "M-master?"

He sighed a little and hooked I finger under my chin, "Look at me pet"

Pet? Perhaps it was better not to question it. Instead I wrenched my gaze up to meet his, slightly relieved to see the smirk wasn't there yet.

"Try to calm down a little Richard, I'm not going to do anything to you." He lightly stroked my hair as he spoke, and it was strangely calming despite his closeness. I tried to apologise but was quickly cut off.

"I know... You're young, and innocent, and scared. I probably would be too if I had a horny vampire constantly feeling me up. You need time, and I haven't given you any, expecting you to be able to cope with me straight away. I've been rather foolish to be honest, but you're rather different from the overly confident slaves I usually buy." I tried to apologise again only to be shushed.

"If I carry on as I am I'm going to end up breaking you, and I don't want that, so I need to try and control myself. It's not going to be easy, I'm a man of impulse. But I've thought of something that might help."

He unbuckled the thin piece of leather around my neck, which marked me as a slave, and removed it before picking up a wider, thicker collar. Instead of a buckle it had a lock that would click into place, and there was a key on a ribbon still on the dresser. He placed it around my neck and clicked the lock shut.

"It's a long time since I've used one of these, and never for this purpose. They're meant to be worn by blood slaves, to show others that they are claimed." He turned away from me and picked up the key from the dresser, inspecting it before grasping the ribbon and turning back to me.

"The body and the blood of the one collared belongs to the one who wears the key to the lock" He told me, pulling the ribbon over my head. "It's more symbolic than practical... but it will serve its purpose. This is my promise that if anything happens between us, it's because you are willing. Please keep it on at all times"

I felt like crying. How much worse of a slave could I be? My master is having to change his behaviour because I'm too chicken to let him do what he wants. This isn't right.

"Master, I can't... you shouldn't have to modify your behaviour because of me. I'm meant to serve you. I have no right to have this protection." I tried to remove the ribbon but he stopped me, forcing my arms back to my sides.

"You are much better than the average slave Richard. Obedient for a start, you wouldn't believe how rare that is. But you are young, and fragile. So while I wouldn't usually care about my actions, I do, because it's easier than finding another slave as loyal as you. Please wear the collar. Give me the key in the future when you are sure you are ready for such things."

I nodded slightly and he released my arms. It still didn't feel like this was right, but I would be disobeying him if I fought against it.

Once he was satisfied I had accepted the collar, and with it the ownership of my own body, he set me to work for the day. He gave me a week to get the whole house cleaned and tidied, apparently we would be entertaining some of his friends soon. That may have seemed like a long time for cleaning, but from what little of I've seen this place it must be huge. Plus there's dust everywhere, I can only guess previous slaves were killed before they could make much of a dent in the cleaning.

I worked all day, eventually stopping at 10pm when Master told me to go get my dinner. He left the house while I was tidying up and returned through the back door with woman hanging from his side while I was cooking my porridge. She was clearly drunk and seemed to be flirting with him. I was pretty sure he said vampires couldn't get drunk and suddenly realised this was his version of dinner.

I wasn't really sure how to feel about it. She was human like me, and maybe I should have felt sorry for her, but she didn't seem scared. In fact she was positively bathing in the small amount of attention he gave her. With a smirk he coaxed her through the kitchen and further into the house, and instead of worrying about her I found myself idly wondering how difficult it would be to clean up any blood stains.


I finally wrote something! Lots of this has been rewritten many times as I kept not being happy, but it exists now!

Also it has only just occured to me that in my head Ricky has known his master was a vampire for aaaages but I somehow haven't written that??? So yeah... I need to go back and edit something in but I'm not sure what or where.

Don't worry kids, this isn't the end of potential smut! Trust me, I like smut too much to write a story without it :P

And finally, votes make me happy... Vote for the possible end of my lameness??

Peace <3

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