Chapter 3

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She is a dreamer and
He is her dream.

The sleep was nowhere to be found. I was so sleepy few hours ago, but all of the sudden the sleep has vanish away. The thought of Ayan coming back is not getting digest. It feels solecism for no reason. I don't know what I was expecting to happen but it was surly not this.

While going to the party I tried to neglect the thought of Ayan coming back just to found out it's his welcome party.

And that was enough so my family decided to drop another boom on me by telling that my brother's marriage is getting fixed. It was like day before yesterday I got to know about their engagement and the now marriage date is getting fixed.

I don't understand am I getting left out of my family matter or I'm just too busy for it to detect?

I'm not against their marriage but there are few things which are just between me and Alia, and I think this marriage might ruin that. As Alia's friend I don't want to watch her dreams crash in front of her eyes.

I set on the bed messaging my head, it better for me to shut up regarding this situation because everyone knows that my mouth can be egregious sometimes, not sometimes every time.

I let my fingers dig inside my scalp, messaging it. Nothing feels better than some good hair message.

The sleep was on the way when my freaking phone decided to vibrate, I check the called id and it was Vihan, my friend. It's so unusual of him calling me at this time. I picked up the call and the next moment I was running inside my brother room banging his door.

"Open tha damn door Ishan!!!" I called out, he was either taking too much time or my patience level is damn low right now.

I banged on his door until he open up screaming, "What do you want Eira!!!" He asked holding the door knob in his hand. I either tell him everything right now or in the car on the way.

And I choose the second one, I grabbed his arm pulling him down stairs. We both got off our house as I pushed Ishan on the driving seat and inserting the car keys I took on the way.

"Are you going to say anything?" He irritatingly asked starting the car. "Rui is in hospital." I patiencely said, wating for Ishan to react but instead of reacting he speed up the car making our way towards the hospital.

We reached the hospital in five minutes when usually it took twenty minutes. We dashed inside making our way towards VIP loung.

I step outside the elevator walking in death silent hallway, I spotted Vihan sitting on the waiting couch with his head resting on his hands.

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