Chapter 1

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She was the brightest
But the most distant star.

I paid the taxi bill walking towards my house lazily

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I paid the taxi bill walking towards my house lazily. I had a most unpredictable day with surprises over and over again.

Today I got up late and then my car broke down and because of that I had to take taxi, then Mumbai's traffic which made me go insane in early morning. I barely made on the time to the office, but the best part was waiting from me.

After I reached the office, I got to know that I have been promoted to the higher position which means I don't have to be in the office twenty-four seven now, I can work from home.

I was over the moon with the news until my colleague dropped the new news about our boss getting married which I exactly knew what it means. MORE HOLIDAYS!!!

The day went pretty much normal but little special, I made my way towards my house gate with my heavy large accessories bag. I was about to step inside when big ballons decoration in my neighbor's house caught my eyes.

I made my way towards the girl standing in my neighbor's garden, ''Is there something special?'' I curiously asked. The girl turns around looking at me, ''Well that's the surprise...'' I glared at her. ''You know that you can't keep a secret when it comes to me Alia.'' I proudly said patting her shoulder.

''I have kept it from you for last week, so I think I can keep it from you for one more day.'' She back off from her words making me hang on the spot.

''That's not fair.'' I scoff. Alia has never kept any secrets from me since childhood but this time it seems quite special for her, and the thing is that she is so blissful about it.

''A day won't hurt right...'' She said looking at me hoping I will say ok, ''Fine----but don't do something stupid that I can't solve.'' I approved with a hint of doubt in my mind. ''Leave this topic and tell me how are home this early.'' ''OH-- my boss just let us go after her marriage got fixed.''

''Good for her-----.'' ''What the hell are doing outside for so long!!!'' A loud vexatious voice of my brother interrupted Alia's sentence. This man only has one job and that is spying on me every time.

''Alia are you sure you love him?'' I asked, ''I don't know.'' she laughs at my expression.

Other than being my best friend Alia is also my brother's girlfriend which I doubt every time, why do she love him? that man is the most annoying person on the earth.

''Go inside mom is calling you.'' My brother stood beside me without even looking at me. ''What about you?''

''I'm standing in front of my wife can't you see.'' He was staring at Alia without even blinking, and the word 'wife' somehow made me curious.

''What do you mean by 'wife'?'' I obediently asked looking at Alia, her eyes widened, and her expressions turning subconscious. ''Are you both engaged?'' the word came through my mouth like a bullet for them.

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