Chapter 9

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Forbidden things have a secret charm.

We walk down the stairs in silence when a loud fret voice of my brother roamed in our empty house

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We walk down the stairs in silence when a loud fret voice of my brother roamed in our empty house. "Are you some kind of magician? How did you came inside?" He looked at Ayan in baffled.

I bit my own tongue concluding my mistake, "Ishan weren't you outside?" I asked concealing our stupid mistake. "I was outside I just came to call you down and---- wait your already colored?" He howl in puzzled.

His reaction was so over that it look like I have committed a crime. "Are you blind?" His was making me enough irritated by his voice and now he is adding his senseless questions.

"Well I am not blind but, shouldn't I be the one coloring you first....." I stared at him is disgust, he was trying to act cute which was looking more like an idiot. "Stop that----" I brutally said.

"Don't you dare to shut me up----" his voice rosed up as he was ready for an argument, "I have already did." I cliché getting out of the house.

"Wow that was close..." I told myself closing my door house leaving both the boys inside. That was a call which I escaped, or else that situation was very tricky with my brother pulling out his bro card.

A deep breath left through my mouth as I closing my eyes in unruffled, I sweeped my eyes towards Alia house which was looking spectacular with all the decoration.

I took my steps towards there house like nothing has happened a while ago, no one came out of my house since I came out which made me curious for a bit until I heard my house door opening which made me walk faster to neglect them both.

I dashed my way inside Alia's garden immediately looking for her inside there. There were lot more people than I expected to be, few were our neighbour which I love to ignore.

All eyes were on me as I walked through the garden getting inside Alia's house, I seriously hates these people who likes to eye on every single person they saw.

I could feel the curious glares coming from the aunties sitting over there, I rolled my eyes in frustration I know they all are surprised to see me here more like they are judging me to be here.

My eyes sweeped towards the aunties in perusal, they all are trying really hard to keep me down. I ignored them stepping inside the Alia's house.

"Alia!! Alia!!!" voice roamed around the empty house, "What??!!" A yowl come from the upstairs with Alia taking slow steps down the stairs.

"Ohh Eira you're here?" A voice got me off guard I turned around facing Mrs. Roa. "Huh--- I just came to call Alia." She nodded giving me a small smile.

"It's great to see you playing Holi this years." She genuinely said ruffling my hairs. A smile rosed on my lips she must have noticed the color on my face.

"By the way who colored you?" She looked at me curiously but, her questions made me wanted to run away. It's was extremely inextricable to answer her questions.

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