Chapter 4

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"You can wipe someone's tears,
But not their pain."

I was thinking about Rui, when I heard a knock on my door, I opened the door revealing Alia standing in front my room

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I was thinking about Rui, when I heard a knock on my door, I opened the door revealing Alia standing in front my room. "Eira let's go down--- everyone is waiting for you...." She spoke as my eyes instantly sweeped towards Rui's sleeping figure.

She was in deep sleep, so I went down with Alia. We step in living room where only my and her families were sitting.

"Mom you want something from me?" I asked, but she just patted on the couch signalling me to seat next to her, I weakly took steps near sitting in the couch.

As I seat down she immediately embraced me in her arms, I didn't know why she was doing it, but it felt relaxing and calm. "Is Rui okay beta...."
She softly asked making me stare at Ishan in widened eyes.

And looking at his expressions I knew he has told everything to everyone, "she is alright for now." I sincerely answered. "That great."

"Ohh Eira---." Ishan called out, "Vihan called me that your batch is having a get together, so can you please bring Rui with you there."

"Get together??" I asked in full confusion.

"Somya called me in morning telling me about the get together because you phone was not reachable." Ishan clarified. "Ohk I will text him and Somya."

"Eira go get some sleep...." Alia's mom spoke probably after seeing the drak circles under my eyes. I have been up since last night and I do need a good fat sleep now.

I nodded my head getting up from the couch, "Ma wake me up before six okay." I requested knowing my sleep really well, if I sleep once I won't wake up until someone wakes me up.


"Yaaa!!" I shouted as ice cold water splashed on my face. "Wake up Mrs Fox...." Ishan cunning voice made me annoyed after my graceful sleep.

"I told ma to wake me at six not at five thirty." I freted looking at the clock on the wall. "Your mama told us to wake you up." Rui's simple said, that's when I noticed a small cup in her hand.

"You are the one who splashed me." I said clinging her in my arms, and gently tickling her. "Stop---haha." She cheered laughing out loud.

We were enjoying our moment when I noticed Ishan staring at us, I raised my eyebrows asking him what happen, "Nothing you both look cute." He honestly commented. "Did you call me cute?"

"Not you okay Rui is cute and you---you are a fox." I looked at him with most done face, he can never compliment me nicely at least normally.

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