Skydiving gone wrong (not surprised)

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∞ Jade ∞

"Where's Jade? Is she okay?" I heard Jason ask as I emerged from my hiding place.

"Right here", I said as I materialized from the shadows.

Everyone's expression was priceless, but Leo's the most. His jaw was almost touching the floor as he finally became coherent enough to say, " H-how did you do that?"

I gave one of my most 'charming' smiles, and said, "Daughter of Night, at your service."

The campers came forward, giving out blankets and drying them with the giant leaf blow dryer that stood by the lake. Butch had gone over to calm down the pegasi who were stamping their feet impaitently by the shore a few meter away from us.

"Jade! Annabeth!" Will pushed through the crowd. "I said you could borrow the chariot, not destroy it."

"And I said that we were going to have a safe journey," I retorted. "Not exactly what the fates had in plan for us, huh?"

"Will, I'm sorry," Annabeth apologized before shooting me a glare. "I promise to get it fixed."

Will scowled at his broken chariot and rolled his eyes.

The son of Apollo sized up Piper, Leo and Jason. "These are the ones? They look way older than thirteen. Why haven't they been claimed?"

"Claimed?" Leo repeated. But before anyone could explain, Will turned to me and Annabeth.

"Any sign of Percy?"

I brushed my hair out of my face as Annabeth looked at me, trying to hide the pain in her expression.

"No," Annabeth admitted. The campers began muttering and my hands balled into fists as Drew stepped forward. Tall, pretty, asian, with her dark hair in ringlets, plenty of jewelry and perfect makeup. She was the epitome of Aphrodite beauty, and one of the rare people who approached me without fearing that I would kill them.

Behind Drew emerged Astrid, the worst Aphrodite child ever an insult to her parents and the cabin and sadly was the head counselor.

I feigned an innocent smile. I gravitated closer to the trio, as if trying to shield them. "Oh they certainly are, you don't get to decide that. Bitch, first contribute to something then we'll see how much say you have which considering that you're you, is not gonna be much."

A few campers laughed and Astrid glared at me as Leo snorted, "Gee, what are we, your new pets?"

"How long are we gonna be here? ", asked Jason.

"Just ignore Astrid, " I told them. "She just likes to make other people's life miserable because she doesn't have one and she is so utterly worthless that no one really cares."

"Jason, we promise to answer your question," Annabeth assured him before turning to the girl with a frown. "And Astrid, all demigods are worth saving. But I'll admit, the trip didn't accomplish what I had hoped."

"Hey, we didn't ask to be brought here," Piper interjected and I frowned slightly. Almost none of us did, I thought bitterly.

"And none of us want you here, hon," Astrid retorted. "Does your hair always look like a dead badger?"

Piper stepped forward as if to smack her but I grabbed her wrist.

"Don't worry, Piper," I assured the girl. "It's not your job to take out the trash." I looked back at Astrid, a smile on my lips. She flinched slightly. No matter how hard she tried, I knew Astrid feared me, and we both knew I could make her life a living hell.

"Enough!" Annabeth yelled, getting everyone's attention. "We need to make our new arrivals feel welcomed. We'll assign each of them a guide, and give them a tour of the camp. Hopefully, they will be claimed by the campfire tonight."

"Can someone tell me what claimed is?" Piper demanded.

There was a collective gasp. The campers backed away and I noticed why. Floating over Leo's head was a blazing holographic image, a fiery hammer.

"That is claiming," I said with a smile. To cabin nine we go.

"What'd I do?" Leo asked, backing away from us and towards the lake. Then he glanced up and yelped. "Is my hair on fire?"

I gave a small chuckle at his mini freak out.

"This can't be good," Butch muttered. "The curse-"

"Doesn't exist," I finished, glaring at Butch.

"Leo, you have just been claimed-"

"By a god," Jason interrupted me. "That's the symbol of Vulcan, isn't it?" All eyes turned to him.

"Vulcan?" I repeated.

"Vulcan!" Leo demanded. "I don't even like Star Trek! What are you talking about?"

I looked at Annabeth and she nodded. "Vulcan is the Roman name for Hephaestus, god of blacksmiths and fire."

"You learn something new every day," I muttered.

The symbol had faded but Leo kept swatting the air above him as if it was still following him. "God of what? Who?"

I looked at Will. "Take him on a tour," I commanded. "Introduce him to his fellow bunkmates in Cabin Nine."

"What's Cabin Nine? And I am not a Vulcan."

Will chuckled and slung an arm around Leo's shoulders. "Come on Mr. Spock. I'll show the way."

"Jason, show me your arm.", said Annabeth.

On his arm was 12 stripes with SPQR written and an eagle below. It didn't look like ink. I recognizee the eagle immediately. And SPQR... Wasn't that a Roman saying? Senatus Populsque Romanus?

" I've never seen anything like that before", said Annabeth, curiosity dripping from the daughter of Athena's voice.

"They look burned." I added.

"They were", he said. Then he winced as if his head hurt. " Atleast I think they were. It hurts to remember."

I shared a look with Annabeth. "You need to go straight to Chiron" I said.

"Astrid would you-"

"Oh absolutely", the bitch said, interrupting Annabeth. " Come with me sweetie. Chiron's our camp director. He's an.. Interesting guy."

| • A U T H O R ' S   N O T E • |

Hello back there. I wanted to change Drew, most fanfics make her good and after reading them, I cannot imagine her as a bitch, soooo.

Odyssey: Heroes of Olympus, Leo Valdez x OCWhere stories live. Discover now