Almost became a human blowtorch!

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(TW: Bullying, some violence,not too much though. To avoid, skip from •°•°• till the next •°•°• )

∞ Jade ∞

Where was this guy going? We walked through almost the entire dam camp! Was he going to the woods?

Yay, getting killed before your quest sounds so fun!


Now, if I had any sense of rationality, I probably wouldn't be walking towards a metal dragon which had the capability to roast me alive and leave my charred remains for the cleaning harpies to devour.

But it seems that ever since finding out I was a demigod, rationality was chucked out of my dictionary.

I got tired of following after a while. I slipped into the shadows and bam! There I was standing in front of Leo Valdez.

"Hello Valdez. Out for a little walk in the moonlight, are we?" (Please tell me someone got the reference)

He was shocked. The look on his face was pure gold. I know, I know, I am cruel in that way.

Then his open mouth morphed into a smirk, and he said, "Is the pretty lady offering to take me on a walk?"

Aaaaaaaaand there it was again. The flirting. Fun. Why not flirt back?

"Maybe." I said.

"Then let's go, shall we?", he stated, continuing the flirting.

We continued down the road.

In silence.

It was getting awkward.

Just to break the tension, I started talking once again. " But seriously, where are we going? To get turned into demi-kebabs? Or perhaps the monsters would prefer to eat the good old. 'demigod-on-a-stick, seasoned with paprika and oregano'. "

Leo bit his lower lip. "You forget the 'roasted alive demigod barbeque', Princesa."

"Oh, so that's where we're going? Towards the big metal dragon?", I exclaimed, ignoring the nickname.

" Yeah.... ", he told, trailing off uncertainly at the end.

I sighed. This boy. "Do you have a penchant for wishing to die, Leo?", I asked him, " First the quest and now this. "

"Maybe." He shrugged.

"Do you even know where the dragon is?" I asked him.

"Not technically, no. But I can sense the traps along the way. See there near the tree? There's a trap, with some motor oil mixed with tabasco sauce to lure him. We should be there soon."

"Oh." Was all I managed to say.

But I didn't need to say further, because a loud roar pierced the night air.

Standing before us, in all it's glory, was the fifty ton metal fire breathing dragon.

Just as it was about to blowtorch us, I grabbed Leo's hand and shadow travelled up to a distant, but close enough place.

"Was this your plan, dragon boy? To get us blowtorched?" I said.

"Not really, no. But then plans changed since you came.... " He said, mumbling the end.

"Oh, so it's my fault now, huh? If I hadn't shadow travelled us here, we would've died. You know, I thought you would be different, finally someone who doesn't consider me a freak, but no, you're all the same. All of you. In fact, I'm not the freak here, you're the freak! You guys were ALWAYS the FREAKS! " I said in his face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2024 ⏰

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