I still hate the Quest

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(TW: Choking. To not read this, stop reading at •°•°• to the next •°•°•)

∞ Jade ∞

"This is Jason's quest. According to tradition, he may choose any two companions." Said Annabeth.

But it mentions more than three.

"Well, you obviously Annabeth!" a Hermes boy yelled."You've got the most experience!"

"No." Annabeth shook her head. I knew she hadn't had very good experiences with hera up to this point, which she said.

"Secondly, I'm leaving first thing in the morning to find Percy." She explained.

"It's connected." Everyone looked at Piper.

"You know that's true, don't you? This whole business, your boyfriend's disappearance- it's all connected."

Astrid definitely wanted to say something, but one glance at me and she kept her mouth shut.

"If it's connected, I'll find out from the other side by searching for Percy." Annabeth answered. "As I said, I'm not in a rush to to rescue Hera, even if it sets the other Olympians fighting again. And besides, I can't go. The prophecy says otherwise.One thing's for sure, Jade has to go. The prophecy specifically said, Daughter Of Night, and there's only one, Jade."

"It says who I pick." Jason agreed. "The forge and dove shall break the cage- the forge is the symbol of Vul- Hephaestus."

Nyssa slumped. Understandable. "If you have to beware the earth, you need air transport. The flying chariot is broken. aynd the Pegasi are being used to find Percy. Maybe the Hephaestus cabin can figure something out. With jake incapacitated, I'm senior camper. I can volunteer for the quest."

Sad. I knew we enough that she too hated quests, like me. I glanced at the rest of the Hephaestus cabin table. My eye caught Leo. And he winked at me.


Then he stood up.

"It's me." Leo announced. Even as his cabin mates tried to make him sit down, he persisted.

"No! It's me! I know it is. I've got an idea for the transportation problem. Let me try. I can fix this!"

Jason smiled. "We started this ride together Leo. Seems only right you come along. You find a ride, you're in."

Idiot. It's all on him if his best friend ends up dying. Like it had been on me..... No, no, no. I had to prevent that. No way I'll let anyone die on this quest. I had to go, the prophecy spoke of me.

"Yes!" Leo pumped his fist.

"it's dangerous. There will be suffering, hardship." Said Nyssa. Leo's smile momentarily dropped. But he was quick to cover it up.

"Suffering? Hardship? Oh yeah, I love that stuff!", He said.

"Jason, you need to choose a third quest member. The dove-"

Astrid interrupted Annabeth. "Oh, absolutely!" She gleamed. "The dove is Aphrodite. Everybody knows that. I am totally yours."

Ugh. I'll probably kill her on the quest and pin it on some stray monster.

Piper stepped forward. I grinned and leaned forward, waiting for shit to go down. And it would happen, judging by her expressions.

"No." She uttered.

Astrid rolled her eyes. "Oh please, dumpster girl. Back off."

"I had the vision of Hera." Piper said. "Not you. I have to do this."

Odyssey: Heroes of Olympus, Leo Valdez x OCWhere stories live. Discover now