Ch.18 What?

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor any DC properties

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

Izuku was sitting on top of a desk looking out into the starry nightlife from a CEO's office in the largest tower of Jaku City. He was in his usual attire, his red hood outfit with a magnum resting in his lap as he sat on the edge of the long oval desk staring out the window with a neutral expression. 

Behind him strewn about the bloody room were the remains of the Meta Liberation Army's higher-ups, they would have been a challenge due to their quirks if he attacked straight up. That's why he poisoned their food before he began his attack, it was easy picking while they were barfing up blood to finish them off. However, that wasn't on Izuku's mind at the moment.

It had been a month since his fight with his past class and well it was still playing on repeat in his mind. The memories as well of his time at Ua, were on constant replay in his head with the usual monochrome visuals and mute characters, but for some reason, his heart hurt every time the memories played out. It wasn't physical pain he already checked but he still didn't understand why it hurt so much.

Izuku sighed as he put the last bullet into the magnum and holstered it back into his side hoister. He had a few hours until sunrise meaning a few hours until he had to drop off Zumi to school. Plenty of time to finish up here and then follow up on the lead for the final one of those bastards. 'Calm down, Izuku. Can't have you losing your cool this late in the game.' thought Izuku as he hopped off the table.

A memory came to Izuku's mind at that moment. A memory of a small girl with snow-white hair and blood-red eyes, the colored memory was of the little girl running into his leg with fear from an alley before morphing into the girl's wide smile as she munched on a candy apple while sitting on a counter. Then for the first time since he regained his memories, a sound came from the girl as she continued to munch on the apple. 


"Can you get more candy apples Deku-san?" "I already told you Eri-chan, you can call me Izuku. And of course, I'll get you some just let me tell the others I'm heading out." "Yay!"


Izuku's eyes widened at the memory as it broke the tradition he was so used to. Instead of the usual monochrome visuals, mute characters, and unknown feeling at the moment, this time there was color, there was sound and he knew exactly what he felt at that moment. He was...content and happy. Why was this one so different? Izuku didn't ponder it for long as a name passed his lips.



*The Next day*

The afternoon sun peered over Musutafu as the afternoon rush began with all the people heading home from their jobs or school. Izuku hovered near a crossroads a common spot for the UA students to cross to get to the station. Some students usually stayed in their dorms since his death but most still returned to their homes, especially the 3rd years, just like his P.O.I or Person of Interest. It didn't take long for his target to emerge from the gates of UA and make her way down the streets with her three friends. 

She wouldn't recognize unless he made it so due to his pulled-up red hoodie. Yet as he watched the young woman laugh and smile at something her familiar friend said, that content feeling he felt before returning. Izuku focused on her company a boy with a red hat, and a set of blond twins, all wearing a pair of red sneakers. They passed by him without a single glance as Izuku continued to stare at the person of interest. She had short white hair close to a bob cut but was more of a pixie cut and had the same ruby-red eyes. Izuku walked to the center of the sidewalk as she stared at her back.

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